Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our truck is sold

What a good week this has been.  We are one step closer in getting our 5th wheel.  We just sold our truck.  Now we will be looking for a chevy silverado or ford 250.   We looked at trucks in Clarksville and Nashville and have not found what we are looking for. After looking at 5th wheels in Nashville we are now down to two that we like.  We hope to put a bid on one soon and trade in the car for a new truck.  We were able to see Katies and Mackenzie ball game this week. Mackenzie is a great pitcher and Katie did a good job at first base.   Both of them did well in batting.  Xander is doing better after his surgery last week.  I'm glad we planed on being here two weeks for him to heal.  Jim 5/11/11

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