Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mackenzie b-day and 5th WHEEL

Thur. we all got together for Mackenzie birthday in Hendersonville.  We went swimming at their pool, had pizza, and cupcakes.  Just before we left we went to a creek and played in it and built a dam.  On Fri. we went to Greenway a hiking trail made from the old RR route. We had a beautiful six mile hike. We had a picnic lunch in the car for rain was off and on.  At one point we were all  wet. On father's day , Jen and family came to Shannons  we had a great meal and we also had Al's b-day cheesecake.Umm Umm.  Mackenzie and Katie stayed till Tues.  Monday was a very important day for us we placed our order for a Bighorn 5th wheel in Elkhart In. On Tues we came to Hendersonville.  After we dropped the girls off at home we saw Jim and Lana Perkins(best friends from Ft. Myers)at Don and Debbie Mynster. wed.  we went to the library, picnic lunch tonight smores bars.  jim and linda 6/22/2011

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