Friday, July 29, 2011


Yes it is done.  We have bought our 5th wheel.  There is still some things to do so we are at the shop at the dealership.  We are very happy with the unit.  We have unpacked everything and put it in place.  Thank everyone for your prayers.  Jim and Linda 7/29/11 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

WHY??????meltdaon again

-I do not know why things happen as they do.  This is to be our happy years and we are so mad that we are not talking to each other. It is not that we are mad at each other but people outside our control. As I wrote about the truck the lies that we were told and high pressure salesman for the warranty.  The sales  person and  managers at Verizon telling us lies get our business then leave us out to dry.  And now the 5th wheel dealership.  It's been a struggle getting our sales person to give us straight answers.  Our expected date has been changed at least three times and although we left today no guaranties it will be ready but we really need to be there in person. Story of our adventures.  First delay was Heartland takes week after July 4 for vacation.  The whole plant shuts down.  Then they got bought out by another company which they did not tell us and they were shut down for there vacation time this week. And to top it off they are in the midst of moving there sales office all this week.  So communication is awful.  So we are going on blind faith that it is ready tomorrow.  They can't give  us a truthful answer yet but we just need to be there in person now.  So u-haul and us left this morning at 9 a.m.  O course nothing normal I backed u-haul down Shannon's steep driveway without Linda spotting me and the bottom right side bumper hit Shannon's brick wall. believe it or not a valid lesson learned you need two people when backing up!!!! Praying tomorow that we will begin our HAPPY  YEARS.  Jim and Linda 7/27/11

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


At the end of last week we both had a melt down.  My Dad called to tell us that  he was going to have heart cath on Friday.  We were told that the 5th wheel will be done on the 20th.  So we felt that Dad had everything set and he told us that he did not want us to come(he came out surgery and is doing fine).  On Friday we were told that the 5th wheel would not come to the dealer until Sat. the 23rd and they had to check it out and it would be the following week before we could get it.  They also told us we could stay on there property until we know how to use the unit.  Now they say they are moving the shop part of the dealership and it will only have elec. and water. no sewer. What have we got ourselves into?  This week we learned more about the new phone and the truck.  We made several calls to the clerk office to make sure we were filling out the paper work right for registering the 5th wheel in Fla. We want to make sure everything on our end is right.  When we called the dealership he said they did not do the paper work that way but they have done it that way in the past. Jim and Lin 7/19/11

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Diego's b-day

7-7 It's Diego's b-day.  We had a big breakfast, went to a water park, and had a nice dinner for him.  At the water park they had tubes for three people that went down tubs.  Shannon, Diego and I went down with Diego at the rear. At the end the tube went head over heals and Diego went flying into the wall.  It is a good thing he is hard headed, but  he has a nice bruise on his leg.


Friday started off  with disappointment.  We found out that our 5th wheel builder is closed this week and our home will be a week delayed.  We hope by the 20th of July. What people will do for a free dinner.Well  we all dressed up as cows and got a free dinner at chi ck-fil-a.The day ended great. Believe it or not ew now have verizon phone and yes dont hold your breath, we can text!!!!!! Thanks to some HI PRESSURED sales people called FAMILY.!!!!!!!!!! Very similiar to a truck deal they kept at us till we gave in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   We went with Verizon the phone does everthing.  We also got a wyfi for the computerA BIG THANKS TO AL AND SHANNON FOR BUING THEM FOR THIS YEARS FATHER'S DAY, MOTHERS'S DAY ,B-DAYS, HOLIDAYS AND LINDA'S RETIREMENT.  We can now tex ( I wonder how you do that?) Well the phone is the same one that Shannon has,(poor girl) so guess whos going to get mega phone calls till we know how to work it????????  That could be years!!!!!!!  Are you sure this was a good thing???????? Oh ya whats next HIGH PRESSURING US TO FACE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sat. afternoon Jen and the family came up and we had a family b-day for Diego. Water balloon toss, water balloon fight, (everyone's favorite)slip and slide, pizza, and cake.

Sunday night we went to a Blake Shelton concert

 On Monday July 11we drove to land between the lakes to look at came sights that would fit our 5th wheel.  Linda and the kids went swimming at the Ky dam it was 102 when we got back to the car.

Tues. we went to Montgomery Bell State Park in Burns, Tn.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Amanda's wedding

We had a full weekend with the excitement of Amanda's wedding in Atlanta,Ga. We arrived in Atlanta around noon and shortly after My sister Betty and her husband Fred,my sister Diane and my Aunt and uncle Gene and Alvina Kennedy all from Mn.arrived and rented a van. Then a couple of hours later my brother Mike and wife Pam arrived from Fl. and my sister Mary and brother John and his girlfriend Audra arrived from Fl. Then very late my Niece Kari and her 2yr. old, Addy arrived from Tn. and a 2nd cousin to me Charles from Ms. (Gene and Alvina's grandson). We all were able to stay in the same place which was fabulous. (Jen, Chris and girls came Sat. and Tam and Kenn stayed at friends Shannon and Al came on Thurs. )  Pam found it on the internet and she did an awesome job picking the location out as we did not have to get in cars to go anywhere. We could walk across the street to many restuarants and of couse a Starbucks was there also. A perfect location. The place also had a courtyard where we sat out as a group. It was beautiful. Thanks Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fri Nite
                                                                         big appetite!!!!

                                                                          Jasons Deli

Also on Fri nite we surprised Carol with a cake for her 50th birthday this month.

On Sat. the big day Amanda and Dustys wedding.  It was beautiful.  The place was amazing. They did an awesome job. Here are some pictures of our family.

                                                                     Diego and Lilimarie


On Sunday we had a luncheon at Carols for opening presents and celebrating Amanda's birthday.  Everybody pretty much started there trips back home.  Jen and Chris and Tam and Kenn stayed one more nite.  On Monday we met up with them at the mall to do an " American Doll" adventure.  Linda and I had a leftover dinner at Carols house. Then we went back to the hotel to watch the fireworks on tv as it was raining.  On Tuesday we slept in an are trying to catch up on last minute things like rv ins.and paperwork.  We will be heading back to tn. on wed. morning.