Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Amanda's wedding

We had a full weekend with the excitement of Amanda's wedding in Atlanta,Ga. We arrived in Atlanta around noon and shortly after My sister Betty and her husband Fred,my sister Diane and my Aunt and uncle Gene and Alvina Kennedy all from Mn.arrived and rented a van. Then a couple of hours later my brother Mike and wife Pam arrived from Fl. and my sister Mary and brother John and his girlfriend Audra arrived from Fl. Then very late my Niece Kari and her 2yr. old, Addy arrived from Tn. and a 2nd cousin to me Charles from Ms. (Gene and Alvina's grandson). We all were able to stay in the same place which was fabulous. (Jen, Chris and girls came Sat. and Tam and Kenn stayed at friends Shannon and Al came on Thurs. )  Pam found it on the internet and she did an awesome job picking the location out as we did not have to get in cars to go anywhere. We could walk across the street to many restuarants and of couse a Starbucks was there also. A perfect location. The place also had a courtyard where we sat out as a group. It was beautiful. Thanks Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fri Nite
                                                                         big appetite!!!!

                                                                          Jasons Deli

Also on Fri nite we surprised Carol with a cake for her 50th birthday this month.

On Sat. the big day Amanda and Dustys wedding.  It was beautiful.  The place was amazing. They did an awesome job. Here are some pictures of our family.

                                                                     Diego and Lilimarie


On Sunday we had a luncheon at Carols for opening presents and celebrating Amanda's birthday.  Everybody pretty much started there trips back home.  Jen and Chris and Tam and Kenn stayed one more nite.  On Monday we met up with them at the mall to do an " American Doll" adventure.  Linda and I had a leftover dinner at Carols house. Then we went back to the hotel to watch the fireworks on tv as it was raining.  On Tuesday we slept in an are trying to catch up on last minute things like rv ins.and paperwork.  We will be heading back to tn. on wed. morning.

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