Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our first week

8/5/11 On our way to Nappanee we stopped in Wakarusa to enjoy jumbo jelly beans. yum yum

Then  on to the Amish Acres arts and crafts Festval in Nappanee.  It was HOT we enjoyed the music and a ibc rootbeer

We went to town to the museum where they have a pan for a huge apple pie. 200 pounds of pie crust and 400 pounds of apples

                      After a nice rib dinner on the way home we saw where UPS trucks were made.

     Then to a Amish store this is some of the flour they have and the spices.

8/6/11 we had our first guest over tonight.  Had blueberry coffee cake and played cards(Linda WON)

8/7/11 After church on sunday night we went to some folks to there summer home on a lake in Mi.

On Monday we went and got all the paper work for the fl. tag.  Afterward we went to a 5th wheel that a drunk driver hit and demolished.  We were able to get two door off of it and brought them home and put two shelves where the drawers used to be.

Today started of good but another melt down.  When we were trying to couple
  and uncouple the 5th wheel.  We went over to the dealership they gave us instructions and the owner came over after work and helped till we felt good about doing it our selves.  Things are a lot better now. Jim and Linda 8/10/11

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