Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Thur. We left 20 degree weather with ice on windows to relaxing in a  hot tub in Jasper, Fl.. It was a long day driving but the Lord was with us and we did not have any traffic problems.

Fri.we made it  to the Fl. RV Super Show in Tampa without any trouble.There we were part of the Super/Rally work program.. That night we went to see my mom and dad andwent out to their favorite restaurant , Skidders for hamburgers. Sat. I got to help in the field spray painting numbers on the ground for the rv parking spots. Then Sunday we put together goodie bags for aprox.800 rigs which we had to register and park them.. Tues. and Wed. all day from7am to 5pm we parked the rigs. Picture below shows us on  Wed. parking them in the rain..

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