Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our First Week at Thousands Trails Orlando

Thur. night we went to Tam's then to see Hope's science project at her school. Then we went to Bryce's end of school year program.

Fri. we took a relaxing day.  We tried to go dancing that night but quickly found out we did not know any dances.  Sat. we went for a swim, they had a BBQ by the pool, then they had candy bar bingo.  For a candy bar we could get 4 bingo cards. We did not win. They had regular bingo that night and we lost then also. Sun. We had service here at the park. After lunch we learned how to play pokino. We did win at this. We went to Tam's and took care of the kids while Kenn and Tam went out to dinner.  The kids went swimming, did some crafts and we played some cards with them.

Mon. Labor Day we went for our swim work-out, played pokino again broke even for the day. That evening we had steak for dinner and watched "The Bucket List". Tues we got up 5:40a.m. to get to Brendan's graduation ceremony.

Then we went to our Dentist for Linda was having problems with her teeth.  We hope the problem is fixed she says it feels better.  We then went to Costco for lunch and we found our crackers we have been looking for. After a swim Linda made ribs for dinner.  Wed. we went to the pool to work out and half way thru, they had to close the pool for bad weather. We got a lot of things done on the 5th wheel.  We reinforced the clothes rods and went thru the clothes before we put them back. We had steak leftovers for dinner before church.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our 4th week in St Pete/ moving to Orlando

Thur. we went to dads to get the dirt in the front yard ready for new sod. Fri. the sod came late we didn't have enough but we got more and finished the job my hand went to the extreme to finish. We went to the beach that night for another great sunset.

Sat. after breakfast Dad came by after he went to a silversmith to sell his silver.( Disappointed most was silver platted) We then went to a consignment shop with alot of moms nice outfits.  Then Dad took us to lunch that night we skype with the Williams the shared a video of  the girls getting there school awards and Katie socker game.  then we  rented a movie "warhorse" and got to bed after midnight. Sun. after church we ate at Wendy's then saw "Lucky One" at Regal. After Sunday pm church we went to beach for dinner and sunset.

Mon. we relax today just got ready to leave Tues. We went to the beach for another great sunset.

Tues. was a very busy day we went to dads to take our mattress and then to find the UPS driver to get our new sleep number bed.  We found him right away to find out that he was the wrong one .  He gave us the phone number to the center who got the right driver and he came right away to dads house with the four boxes.  We then got hitched to the 5th wheel and drove to Thousand Trails in Orlando.  We got a great site and everything went very smooth.

After getting settled in we drove to Tammy's.  Hope had a program at school that her chorus presented.  They did a great job and it was very uplifting and funny. They had to make funny faces to alot of songs. Hope is on top left .

Hope's solo

Wed. was a relaxing day we went for a swim after sleeping in. That night we went to church then to rent a movie .

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week Three in St Pete- Mothers Day

Thur. we did receive our cable for black water and the installer will be here Mon to put it on. I washed the 5th wheel and truck and we got to dad's late. We went through his picture albums taking the pictures out, putting them in sandwich bags and labeling them. After dinner we got home and rested. Fri.we got up and packed for Tammy,s.  Linda's brother Michael got special tickets for us to be able to go see where the Bucs team workout and practice. "1 Buc Place" . We met Mike, Justin, John, and his friend Michael. What a great place this is where the Bucs practice, do rehab, and we saw where the media and press hold there conferences. We went behind the scenes tour of the building, locker room and they had a lunch for us. They took a picture of us with the new coach and gave each of us a picture in a great looking frame and a goody bag.It was a once in a lifetime experience and was an awesome time!!!!!!!!!!!!,  It was very nice to see Linda's family.


After we got done we went to Starbucks for coffee and talked for over an hour(it was just what the two of us needed) That afternoon we got to Tammy's  gave the boys the stuff we just got in the goody bags and had a great time with the kids. That night we watched the kids and they went out. Sat. we went to Hopes Bible Bowl where her team went undefeated for the year winning.  They will be going to Cin. Ohio for Nationals soon.

We left there to go to the boys ball game.  They both did great and Bryce got " most valuable player". Kenn was the batting coach.

After getting home from Sam's Linda got a Mothers day gift from Shannon. A fruit bouquet with wonderful dipped choc. a wonderful treat for everyone(she shared).The chocolate was awesome on some of the fruit.

Sun. we went to church early, Tammy was teaching.  After we got home the girls went to a farmers market, which they enjoyed alot.It was at a park that encircled a lake and had cool things there,  The boys played sorry. Kenn won then Bryce then Brendan and me. When they got home Linda got a card form Tam and a DVD "Bucket List". Then we went to" Pei Wei" (asian food) for lunch. Then to the mall where we bought a" sleep number bed". we will get it in two weeks.  Then to Starbucks for the last day of half price frappechinos.  Then back to Tammy's for cupcakes and home. Mon.we got our cable for the black tank done and it works good. We got to dads cleaned two closets. We cleaned the pool had lunch and dinner there. Tues we got to Dads early and started to work on the front yard.  After two hours of very hard work of tearing up the lawn to get it ready for sodding, (all we could do in the heat) we went for a swim, ate lunch, got the stuff in the spare bedroom ready for the garage sale, had dinner.

Wed. yes we got all the old grass up. 26 bags about 50 lbs. each and 3 garabage cans not counting what we did two other days. New grass comming Fri. We are exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week 2 in St Pete Fl

Thur. I finished pulling weeds and trimming the trees in the back yard. It is so nice to get things done. Dad at 88 in the hot sun helping.

Last night as I pulled the cable for the black water tank(holds our poop) it broke.  In our answer to prayers after many calls to different folks Heartland is sending us a cable and new locks to our sliding closet doors. We went to see another great sunset. Fri. we had some folks come over to give us a bid on a new fence around the pool and redoing the pool deck and driveway.  Alot more than we thought.  We got our mail for the month and went shopping in the afternoon.  Sat. our best friends came up from Fort Myers.  Jim and Lana Perkins we played cards, had lunch and dinner, and made a trip to Barnes and Noble.  After they left they had a ice cream social here at the park then a quick trip to the beach for an amazing sunset.

Sunday we went to church then they had a pot luck lunch.We came home did chores then back to church.  Mon; Tues; and Wed. we cleaned Dad.s house.  Wed. was a hard day for everyone we cleaned Mom and Dad's bedroom. We also found out they had not sent our cable for the black tank. They said they would and that it should be here Thur or Fri.Before we came home we did get to go for a swim at dad's(Finally got the pool clean and the temp. is 88).  We left early came home then went to church.  We must be fitting in they asked me to do the closing prayer.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our First week in St Pete Beach

Thur. and Fri. we went back to Dad's in the morning and spent the day cleaning the house and pool and pulling the weeds in the back yard. Sat. after getting up late dad met us here to get another new phone working (this time he put the phone in the washing machine). After we got it going we had lunch then after dinner we went to watch the sunset.  The weather was rainy for a little bit then it cleared up so we could see a great sunset.  Sun. we went to get gas and on the way out a stop sign said no left turn and I made one not knowing in front of a police man yes I got a warning thank God. When we went to church we were invited to a pot luck for seniors (good timing). Next week they have a pot luck after church.Mon. we worked in the living room and bathrooms. In the front yard we had a visitor they named him George.  Dad said he has even come in the house.

We also went and got Mom's ashes and death cert. On the way home we stopped at the beach and watched another sunset. Tues.(great stress release) We went to home depot on the way to dads to get plumbing for the sink and toilet. Lin cooked and cleaned I cleaned, then trimmed the dead branches out of the grapefruit tree.

On Wed. Dad had a hard day we went through Moms cloths he did real well.  It would be so hard to say goodbye.