Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our First Week at Thousands Trails Orlando

Thur. night we went to Tam's then to see Hope's science project at her school. Then we went to Bryce's end of school year program.

Fri. we took a relaxing day.  We tried to go dancing that night but quickly found out we did not know any dances.  Sat. we went for a swim, they had a BBQ by the pool, then they had candy bar bingo.  For a candy bar we could get 4 bingo cards. We did not win. They had regular bingo that night and we lost then also. Sun. We had service here at the park. After lunch we learned how to play pokino. We did win at this. We went to Tam's and took care of the kids while Kenn and Tam went out to dinner.  The kids went swimming, did some crafts and we played some cards with them.

Mon. Labor Day we went for our swim work-out, played pokino again broke even for the day. That evening we had steak for dinner and watched "The Bucket List". Tues we got up 5:40a.m. to get to Brendan's graduation ceremony.

Then we went to our Dentist for Linda was having problems with her teeth.  We hope the problem is fixed she says it feels better.  We then went to Costco for lunch and we found our crackers we have been looking for. After a swim Linda made ribs for dinner.  Wed. we went to the pool to work out and half way thru, they had to close the pool for bad weather. We got a lot of things done on the 5th wheel.  We reinforced the clothes rods and went thru the clothes before we put them back. We had steak leftovers for dinner before church.

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