Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our week in Hendersonville and Katie birthday and Mackenzie

     Thur. We just worked a half day. The girls painted the railing going up to the third floor and finished the final coat on the door and door frames. The guys repaired and painted the stairwell and made new steps going into the shop.
     Fri. we drove to  Nashville Country RV Campground near Hendersonville Tn. We went to Jens house had dinner played 9 up 9 down with Jen and Chris then brought the kids to the 5th wheel for the night. After we got here we watched Elf had treats then to bed.
     Sat we got up had pancakes, went to the community park, store,swim,then I went with Jen and Chris to Jen's office to reorganize it and Lin stayed and played with the Kids. When we got back we had pizza
 played shuffle board and bean toss. Made coffee cake for in the morning.

     Sun.  We got up had our coffee cake then got ready for church.  We took the kids to Jen's then we went to a small church in the country. We met together at Chile's along with Steven Kari and Addi. We all met at the community playground before coming to our RV. We played been bag toss, shuffle board, and went swimming. We had Bubba burgers on the grill, chips, watermelon and for desert cake that got turned upside down. The adults played 9 card golf while the kids worked on a play that they did for us.

     Mon. After breakfast we got ready to move to the core of eng. in Gallatin. We were lucky the people were leaving when we got there and we did not know that folks did not have to leave till 3 PM. We set up ate lunch then drove to Crackle Barrel to met Charles and Janis and there two daughters.  He gave us a lock for our elec. circuit breaker.  We then drove to Hendersonville to get Kaite's birthday present and went to Krispy Kreme for donuts and Starbucks for coffee. We went to Jens went swimming, played Ladder golf,4 square, cards, ate, and shot the paint ball gun.

     Tues.  Katie birthday we drove to a stable and went horse back riding.  It was the first time for Katie, Mackenzie and Chris. Katie got to gallop her horse while the rest of us just went a little faster. When we got done we went to  Opraland  Mall ate a Moe's and walked around. After we got home we ate pizza with Al, Shannon, Lilimarie, Diego, and Xander. Steven, Kari, and Addi met us at Chuck e Cheese for games. Then took Katie and Mackenzie to the 5th wheel.

     Wed. We all sleep in.  The girls made waffles and they were good. The rest of the day we swam, biked and use the scooter, had hobo's for dinner.  We had gotten some wood from the folks that had left and started a fire at three. We put the hobos that we made and  after our showers we ate and this time none of the hobo's were burnt on the bottom. After dinner Jennifer and Chris came over with a ice cream cake and we had it for Mackenzie's 13th birthday.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crowley Ridge College, Paragould Ar. Second Week

Above our first tree is cut and falling. Below I am driving the tree to the dump. We got the second tree down and almost all of it cleaned up.

                            Sat. we drove to Hardy Ar. walked around the shops. Below are two murals.

                                       Above is one of the shops and below where we ate lunch.

We then drove to Mammoth Springs. Above is the old electric generator. There is over 9 million gallons an hour coming up the spring. Below is the old train station.

I got to run around the old caboose you can see me in the window.  Below is the big gun used in the civil war.  When the war was ending here after days of fighting they shook hands and went home.

Above is a waterfall on the way home in Cherokee Village. Below the tractor I was driving was on fire when we got home.  We played a game called pegs and jokers. The girls won.

Sun. We went to church in the morning and evening. We played pegs and jokers again and the guys won.
       Mon. started out good as we used the smaller tractor and took one load down to the woods. On the second load the tractor lost control and turned over trapping the driver.All of our adrenalin was used up that day.It is a miracle that the tractor landed in just a way that he came out with just a sprained foot. That night we played pegs and jokers again and the guys won.

Tues. We went up to the science building and worked on the floor and painted around the door frames and some doors. In the afternoon we went to their new building that they got from a book store and started to clean it up.  the girls got the left over books ready for sale and we started throwing away things that would not sell. The president and his wife invited us over for dinner.  Alot of the staff was there from the college.
     Wed. Some of the folks finished the science building painting the floor and doors and frames. The rest of us went to the old book store and got things ready for the sale and cleaned.  We filled a whole dumpster.