Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Last day working at Childhaven, Easter week-end, and Huntsville Al.

Thur. today was a great day although we took some of the fascia board down and found carpenter ants we got rid of the bad wood and got everything done on the house.  The girls finished the kitchen and it looks wonderful.  This has been a great sojourn that the 8 of us completed. Fri. We drove to Jen's in the picture below top left we are at a church near Jen's and they had things for the kids to make things before they had a egg hunt. Top Middle we ate lunch at Dairy Queen. Top right and middle row making Easter cupcakes. Bottom row colored eggs at Kari's, had dinner and the kids played duck duck goose.

 Sunday the girls made an Easter cake, we had monkey bread for breakfast, went to church, and egg hunt.
 In the afternoon we drove to Shannon's.  Al took Linda on a motorcycle ride then they took us out to Cheddars.
Mon. We moved to Huntsville, got set up at the campgrounds at the Space and Rocket Center, then went to old town. the first picture is some of the churches.
 We  then walked town square to the old Harrison Hardware, to the old bank to a park by the bank and a picture of a canal which they used to move cotton.
 We drove a few blocks and walked around where they have homes built early 1800's to early 1900's
                                     On our walk we saw many pretty flowers, trees and animals.
Tues. Mike and Kathleen (Sojourn friends) drove us up the mountain to Burritt Museum and Park.  Top left is his 1949 DeSoto, middle front of the house next four are some of the rooms and bottom left They had taken some of the old 1800 buildings in the county and displayed them to make a small village. Linda found some flowers, and they had several kinds of animals there.

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