Wednesday, July 30, 2014

From Appomattox Va. to the Virginia caost

Wed. We drove to Appomattox Va. where Lee surrendered to Grant. We went to what will be called a bed and breakfast.  There we had a person(top left) that went back in time(newspaper man from NYC) to 7-23-1864. He told us where Lee's men were and where Grant's men where on the property.  How the war came to a end.  How the Union paid tribute to the Confederates as they came to give there rifles and flags.  In turn the Union told the men to go home and gave them a paper(top middle) saying they were a paroled prisoner of the Army of Northern Virginia.  That way if they were found as they went the would not be shot as a deserter. Top right is a store with the post office in it. Middle left is the McLean House where Grant and Lee meet. Middle middle is a bed room in the house and middle right bedroom in a slave hove rear of main house. Bottom left picture of Grant and Lee papers ending the war. Bottom middle where Lee sat. Bottom right where Grant sat.
We then drove to Lynchburg did a walking tour. Picture below is the the 132 steps and 10 landings built in 1925 for WW1 memorial, but as time went on different landings were used to dedicate to other wars.
Picture below a fountain by the river and RR tracks. The other pictures are some of the many old churches in town.
Top pictures were pianos along the streets. Middle left art near the Amazement Square(middle middle). Middle right top a mosquito and middle right bottom the old train station.  Bottom left a wooden train in the train depot(bottom right) where we ate dinner.
Thur. A slow down day.  We walked around the park got ready to leave.

Fri. We drove to Gloucester  Va. to a Thousand Trails RV park(picture below top right)..  We were lucky and found the perfect spot.  It is on the river. We went shopping and found a BBQ place for lunch and a bakery for desert. We went to Pickelball lessons.  It is played like tennis and playing on a ping pong table with short rackets and wiffle ball. We both enjoyed it and want to play again.

Sat.This  morning Linda made bagel and cheese for breakfast and we ate at the picnic table.  This afternoon I played volleyball in the pool and Linda swam and talked to some folks we met.  We cooked steak and sausage on the grill and Linda fried onions and peppers.  That night the entertainment was a gospel country singer.

Sun. After church we had Mexican and ate too many of the chips. We went to the info place at Gloucester.  They still have a working courthouse from 1766. Next to it is a Debtors Prison(second row rt.) and across the street the old jail(top left) with four 16x16 rooms.  In the middle of town was a Confederate Monument and down the street a monument to James Daniel Gardner a Union Army Soldier of the civil black troops. This is also the place where Captain John Smith encountered Pocahontas(middle middle). Bottom some flowers that were around the courthouse.
Mon. We got caught up on the laundry, read some books, grilled out again and went on a bike ride.
 Tues. We went to Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eustis in Newport News Va. The picture below is the different means for moving men and supplies.  From horse back, train, helicopters and the different boats they used to move big and small.
 The picture below top left and middle the jeeps and helicopter. Top right small car transport. Second row left is a single man helicopter next to it a Flying the rocket belt and next to it a helicopter that could pick up large items. Third row more helicopters first two pictures then right a transport that looked like it should be in a Star War movie.Bottom row tow planes with different types of perpellors and in the middle one of many boats that glide over the water.
We then drove to Hampton Va, top left we had lunch by the water fountain,then went to a bakery to have the best chocolate chip cookie and coffee. next two pictures we rode a 94 year old all wooden carousel.  They say that the horse Linda is hugging is rare that it has Indian feathers on it. Second row left St. Johns church  next to it at the church was a memorial to the confederates. Bottom row going over a bridge bottom right a military cemetery.
 From there we drove to Fort Monroe in Hampton Va which was active 1823 to 2011. Top middle is a picture across the bay to Fort Wool which you can only get to by a boat ride. top right a moat around the Fort and the east entrance, built on 63 acres with 1.3 miles of walls. The moat is 3 to 5 feet deep. It was called Old Point Comfort. The light house (middle left)near the Fort. The next picture is one of the homes that are private now and Picture rt. one of the churches in the Fort. Bottom left Jefferson Davis Memorial Park next to it outside the museum and right I am standing next to the old Cistern that good drinking water was not found had to get water from main land.
 Picture top what Fort Algernourne looked like before it burnt down and was rebuilt to be called Fort Monroe. Middle left Edgar Allan Poe was station their and wrote and recited his poems from there even after he was out of the service.  Next to it was the cell that President Jefferson Davis was put into. Picture right the flag they put in his cell.  The bottom pictures the house they built for him when he was under house arrest.
 We then headed for Virginia Beach and the boardwalk.  On the way we stopped by the state Park and looked at the camp sights and what ones we would use.  The board walk was the best I ever have been on.  We both enjoyed our time there. The top two as we got to the beach. Top rt. they had 25 courts for guys and the same for the girls they played 2 on 2. Bottom left is Neptune and the next two is the old Coast Guard Station.
 Pictures below is some of the streets or walk ways to the beach. Each one was different.
 They had folks at different spots doing entertainment. The one I enjoyed bottom left they were talking about the presidents. The one we both liked the best bottom right where he was telling how the Navy Seals got started and what they had to do to become a seal.
Wed.  We did not wake up till 9 for it was past midnight by the time we got home and got ready for bed.  Today we relaxed did the blog and went to church.

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