Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dad's 4

Thur. Hurricane Mathew arrived.  Tam, Kenn, Hope, Brendan, and Bryce came for a couple days while there schools were closed. Dad's AC is acting up. A person came out and told us we needed a new unit.  Top left we were watching the TV.  Top right we went for a walk and ended up playing shuffle board.  The bottom three pictures the kids made coffee cake.

Fri.  We had our coffee cake in the morning and for lunch the kids made there own pizza's.  After dinner Hope made me a b-day cake and they put up a b-day sign.  Not only did the cake look good it was delicious.

The social worker for Hospice came over and presented dad with two awards.  One for serving in WWII and the other for being a map maker for General Patton.  She also gave him a star from an American flag that flew and got to the point that it was torn. The bottom middle picture she is telling dad that they are going to make a video of him when he was in the war.  It will be placed in Washing D.C. Archives at the Library of Congress.  He is also going to make a video of himself for the family.  

The AC was to be in by noon and they did not get here till 11:15.  By 5 it was in the mid 80's and dad was having a hard time breathing.  The air was not turned on till 7:15.  Top left the space the old outside unit was. Middle top the old inside AC unit. Bottom left the mildewed unit coming out. Middle bottom the dirt grill of the AC unit.  Bottom right the duc work in the celling.

Sat.  The AC unit ran every 10 min. for bout 10 min.  We were told a person would be out to put a air handler on top of the unit to force the hot air outside. which they were suppose to have done on friday and now it is affecting to other units!  After 8 at night we told them not to come.

Sun. By 8:30am a new air handler cover was put on top of the A/C and new wires used for the thermostat.

Mon.  When Hospice came to care for dad the doorbell did not work.  It happened when they put the wires on the Thermostat.

Tues.  My 66 b-day.  Mike came in the morning for cake and coffee. We had birthday for me and Mikes promotion for him.(Top pictures) The manger of the A/C company came and we went over the A/C and will get back with us in 24 to 48  hours.  We had Skidder's hamburgers, cole slaw, and fries for lunch. (bottom left).  We got out dad's picture tub and started to go through it(bottom right).  For dinner we had fried chicken, baked beans, coleslaw and potato salad.  We watched a movie and went to bed.

Wed. Linda got her blood work done and I had a MRI and ultra sound on my neck. Dad got a shower then we had dinner.  Linda went to church and dad and I did a bible study.  We watched a movie and went to bed.

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