Thursday, November 16, 2017

One Year Since Dad Passing

Hey everyone it has been a year since dad went to be with the lord.  Just to give you an update of the last year.  We are living in the condo and have sold the RV.  We started to remodel the condo in April and were on hold for four months for permits.  We are hoping to be done with the first phase by Dec. 1.  We completely  remodeled the kitchen and the bathrooms.  We changed the master bedroom into a dorm for the kids and grandkids to stay.  It will sleep 5 or 6 folks.  So the bedrooms have the new furniture in them  and the dinning room and living room will get new furniture next year.  We need two chairs for the kitchen and all new flooring. It is so nice to be getting done with everything and will not need permits for the next phase.

Friday, December 2, 2016

This will be the last blog till we start RVing again

Dad went to be with the lord on November 13, 2016 at 9:26.   We were able to hold his hand and say goodby.  I pray I will be able to pass as he did.  Sorry I forgot to post this.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dad 8

Thur. We are seeing that Dad is getting weaker each day.  We see other problems also.  We keep praying for him not to be in pain and that his fluids keep going.

Fri.  After dad had hospice come I went to the rig and ran the generator for two hours.  I then went shopping,  got in line to find out that I forgot my wallet.

Sun.  We were able to go to church today I went in the morning and Linda at night.

Mon. to Wed.  We give Dad the best care that we can.  He is a pleasant patient which makes it easy to care for him.  Hospice come twice a week to drain his lungs (about 3 liters a week).  Three times a week he is given a bath.  We took pictures on Wed. to put the rig in  RV Trader.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dad 7

Thur.  I spent the morning on the phone or computer getting our address changed. Tough choice we had to come to grips with. We called to see when the A/C folks were coming to take out the unit when two men came to do it.  We told them they did not tell us in advance and that we had to have someone come to put in temporary units.  In the afternoon I went to a medicare meeting.  It was more on dad's medicare than mine.  I am glad I went so I could get dad's done.  When I got home they were bringing in two portable A/C units.  After dinner we watched a movie.

Fri.  The person that came to install the A/C units came and took them out.  We are praying now that they have a cancellation so we do not have to wait till Tues.  We called dad's medicare agent and got him signed up and I also got singed up for next year.  Barron came and gave dad a bath and Linda and I worked on getting e-mails off the computer.  We did a little house cleaning.  The portable A/C unites are doing the job in keeping the house cool.

Sat.-Sun  We did some house cleaning and shopping.  Linda went to church Sun. morning and I went at night.

Mon.  Happy Halloween.

Tues.  They came and installed the A/C.  It works perfectly and with little noise.  We are sooooo happy.  Linda went to the Dr. and got a prescription.  We watched the world series.

Wed.  Great day but dad is having difficulties for the third day.  They gave him some pills, hope they start working soon.  I can't believe Cleveland Indians lost to cubs(dad and Linda happy)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dad 6

Thur.  What a wonderful day.  Top left picture dad is adding the final touches to his stew.  The top right and bottom left is the crew that came to tape dad.  They are going to make two tapes one of his time that he was in the service which will go to the archives in Washington D.C at The Library of Congress. The other is of his life which will be handed down from generation to generation.  Dad did great and was able to stay in his chair for nearly two hours.  The man that did the interviews was a volunteer for Hospice.  He was able to relate to dad because he too was in the military.  The worker for Hospice who did the taping and will do the editing was also wonderful.  We can't say enough for the people at Hospice.  The other person in the picture is the social worker who got everything arranged.

Fri. We had another A/C Co. give us a bid on a new A/C.  We have been praying what God's will is.  We will make a decision on Monday.   The bottom middle picture above is a sunset we took pictures of at the pool. Bottom right is the sun rise out dad's living room window.

Sat. I went to exercise class.  I'm glad I don't hurt any more.  Linda and I went for a long walk and as we passed the fire pit they were having a monthly get together.  They made a smore's for us.  Just before we left I made one for dad.

Sun.  I was able to go to church in the morning and Linda went Sun. night.

Mon.  We were able to get a sitter and the two of us went to our follow-up Dr. appt.  We are both in fine health.  Linda has a follow-up next year and mine is in Jan. We had another great sunrise this morning.

Tues and Wed.  We found that dad's car insurance ended and we had to make choices.  We put the car in our name and got insurance from our policy.  Then on Wed. we found we had to have our drivers license with his address to get homestead ex. So we were both able to get our drivers license, voters cards and the three vehicle addresses changed.  Luckily it was only a 3 dollar extra for dad's car which we did the day before.  Linda went to church and dad and I watched the world series after a bible study.