Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dad 7

Thur.  I spent the morning on the phone or computer getting our address changed. Tough choice we had to come to grips with. We called to see when the A/C folks were coming to take out the unit when two men came to do it.  We told them they did not tell us in advance and that we had to have someone come to put in temporary units.  In the afternoon I went to a medicare meeting.  It was more on dad's medicare than mine.  I am glad I went so I could get dad's done.  When I got home they were bringing in two portable A/C units.  After dinner we watched a movie.

Fri.  The person that came to install the A/C units came and took them out.  We are praying now that they have a cancellation so we do not have to wait till Tues.  We called dad's medicare agent and got him signed up and I also got singed up for next year.  Barron came and gave dad a bath and Linda and I worked on getting e-mails off the computer.  We did a little house cleaning.  The portable A/C unites are doing the job in keeping the house cool.

Sat.-Sun  We did some house cleaning and shopping.  Linda went to church Sun. morning and I went at night.

Mon.  Happy Halloween.

Tues.  They came and installed the A/C.  It works perfectly and with little noise.  We are sooooo happy.  Linda went to the Dr. and got a prescription.  We watched the world series.

Wed.  Great day but dad is having difficulties for the third day.  They gave him some pills, hope they start working soon.  I can't believe Cleveland Indians lost to cubs(dad and Linda happy)

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