Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dad 8

Thur. We are seeing that Dad is getting weaker each day.  We see other problems also.  We keep praying for him not to be in pain and that his fluids keep going.

Fri.  After dad had hospice come I went to the rig and ran the generator for two hours.  I then went shopping,  got in line to find out that I forgot my wallet.

Sun.  We were able to go to church today I went in the morning and Linda at night.

Mon. to Wed.  We give Dad the best care that we can.  He is a pleasant patient which makes it easy to care for him.  Hospice come twice a week to drain his lungs (about 3 liters a week).  Three times a week he is given a bath.  We took pictures on Wed. to put the rig in  RV Trader.

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