Friday, April 22, 2011

our last days

Sorry  this is late.  We have been very busy doing the final cleaning and packing of the car.  As you saw Linda had a retirement party at work.  After 42 years it was hard to say good-buy. On Sunday the Perkins family had a going away party for us. It has been amazing how slow packing has been. Going through years of paper work then taking the important things to be ground and burned. We had around 120 pounds of papers and only cost $15.00. The phone was turned off on Tues. big mistake. We should have it done on Thur. a day we know we would not be home. We had to have folks call on the cell so I could go down to the gate to let them in.  Before we left we had to get some coconuts for Shannon's 2nd grade class.  now that everything is out of the house we had to put blow up mattress to sleep on.  On Wed. we left for Tammy's. We stopped buy Lazy Day's and talked to Jim for 5 hours. He showed us several 5th wheels and motor homes. Linda is now leaning toward a 5th wheel and I am still wanting a motor home. What will the future hold? After that we went to see our good friends the Weavers. Jerry is in the Hospital fighting cancer and a virus. We made it to Tammy's unloaded the car. we were exhausted and went to bed. Till next time Jim 4-22-11

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