Thursday, April 28, 2011

we are homeless


these last few days have been very stressful.  On Monday at closing the attorney for the buyers did not show up.  After two or so hours waiting for the ok, the attorney gave the ok and wired the money to the title company that  took till 4:30 before we were wired our  money.  In the mean time we were following each other to Tallasshee Fl. John set us up with a police officer friend who has been rving for a while.  He told us many things that has helped, like a motor and a transmmision on a coach have to be done by two techs and if the garage does not have both they may send out and the cost goes up and up.  Yesterday we went with Mary's to see the rvs here.  there inventory was small but we picked up some more info on rvs.  like the warenty is not covered by some rvs if you are full timers.  so much to learn so little time.  jim  4-27-11

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