Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

Friday we got up early got donuts and went to Jens.  Helped Mackenie with her sewing and katie did Lindas nails.

 Then we  met Betty and Fred at MiMi's for lunch.  Then we came back to our place for cards.
Sat we went to Shannons for Christmas eve.  Jens family came and we had dinner and santa came.

Sunday after church we went to Jens for brunch. Shannons family came over for brunch. After eating we played squence. Just as we were going to have desert Betty, Fred, Kari, Steven and Addy came over. We played 9 hole golf. Monday a day to take down our Christmas stuff and went shopping. We got exciting news that our niece Amanda in Georgia had her first baby  named Heidi.  My sister Carol's First grandchild.  Tues. we went to Shas and pick up the kids so they could spend the night.We skipped rocks along the shore. The boys played while Lilimarie and lin made dinner. Then we watched some movies. The boys went to sleep on the couch and we made a place for Lilimarie in the kitchen floor.

 On Wed. we made pancakes with their letters. Then to the welcome center at corp of engeniers,the dam,walk along the water, then to a park.  When we got back to the park Lilimarie, Diego and I walked along the shore and skipped  rocks and picked up trash.  Lin and Xander make cupcakes for his early birthday party.  Al and Shannon came and we had dinner,airplane cupcakes and we played cards  while the kids put there new puzzels together. Then cleaned up house and did laundry as we received bad news that our niece Kari  lost her baby at 30 wks so my sister flew back here  and we will be dealing with that tragedy here. so please keep our entire family in your prayers.

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