Friday, December 2, 2011


What a fast trip to Florida. We left Wed. at 2:30 a.m. and had a traffic free trip till Gainsville toTampa. We arived at my folks to surprise them with a early visit.  It was so nice to see my Mom out of the hospital and doing fairly well.  It bothered me to see her legs so swollen and seeping.  Her strength was weak but Linda and dad was able to get her moving (now let me tell you how loving my young bride is.  She helped my  Mom in her rough times lets leave it at that).  On Thanksgiving we were able to go to there favorite restaurant Skidder.

They were all happy to see them and we had dinner with a couple from Ireland( some friends m/d meet at the restaurant).  We left there to go to Tammys for another big dinner.

 Even though we were there for a short time we did a lot. Fri. black shopping at midnight I got a new printer and Kenn, Tam, and Hope got there goodies.  That night we went to Disney to see the lights and gingerbread houses and carousels done in tons of chocolate and of course a trip to the beach resort for there famous " kitchen sink" ice cream( a scoop of every kind of ice cream and every topping they have followed with 1 can of whipping cream!!!!).

 On Sat. we went to New Smyrna Beach the kids all went swimming and we played in the sand.

Sunday we left again at 2:30 a.m. and got stuck in traffic at Chattanooga Tn. for 2 hours and it rained most of the way home.  On Tues. we went to a free Amy Grant consert at Lipscomb College.  It was the lighting of the Christmas Tree.  Both Jens and Shannons family were there.  we were able to take a picture with the grandchildren and Santa.


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