Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tammys surgery and St Patricks weekend

Thur. after working at the school we got ready to go to Tams. Fri. early Kenn and Tam went to the Hospital for Tams surgery.  They got home early Sat. and her surgery went well except for air in her body that haS to be absorbed by the body.  She had 4 places for the robotic surgery. The kids made her get well posters.

On Fri. the kids made Leprechaun traps and set them out with tricks to trap him.Sat. after seeing the Leprechaun came upset the patio furniture, put the balls in the pool and gave them a note and gifts. Kenn made green pancakes.  We went to the boys baseball game then to 7-11 for slurpees.

Linda and Hope made corn beef and cabbage and green corn bread for dinner. Everyone liked it and asked for more. Sun. morning we had coffee cake which I made the night before. After church we went to Sam's for pizza and brought home chicken and strawberry cake for desert.Linda and Tam had a salad at home while they waited for the rest of us. Tam is still in alot of pain while the kids were outside playing Linda and Tam took a walk she did well. Mon. we got up early so Linda could go to a 7 a.m. dentist appt. She has one filling replaced and got her teeth clean. After breakfast we went to the library then to the park next door. After nap we took the boys to ball practice.

Tues. we went to LaMasa RV to get the hot water fixed and a leak under the sink looked at.  They did a great job fixing everything and were so nice.  I wish all RV places were like them.  After that we drove to Thousand Trails to set up camp for the week.  We went exploring and found they were playing bingo tonight.  We played and had a great time.  The only thing that we won was the lady next to us gave away homemade fudge.  Thur. we got up early went to Starbucks and had breakfast(coupon for free oatmeal!!!!).  Then to Kenn's office for an adjustment.  We picked up the kids there and they came to spend the night.  After we got home we went exploring then went  and played  putt putt, in for a quick swim, then lunch and nap.

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