Thursday, March 8, 2012

Second week of Sojourney

Thur. we had a good day at Mt Dora Bible School. After dinner we played cards and lost for the second time to the girls. Fri. we met our new CPA and gave him some of the paper work. The rest is soon to be in the mail. After going out to lunch, movie(Artist)  and shopping we went to Tammy to see Hope and Kenn get ready to go out for the father/daughter night. After they left we went with the boys to Jason's Deli and Petco.

On Sat. we went to Bryce and Brendan baseball game. They are on the same team and playing tee ball.

That night we had pizza at Sams with the boys, Kenn and Tam. Sunday went to church then out to lunch at Chilli's. We went to visit Miki Weaver.  We had a nice visit sitting and talking.  We then went to a singing class at Mt. Dora CofC.  Monday we had a bad start for the water heater was not working. Now the fun of finding the time and place to get it fixed..I got a new partner for Jerry went to another sojourn. I was able to finish the wood work on the broiler room and start a new table for the Toddlers. After we got home we tried many things and still no elec. hot water.  We are lucky for the hot water also works on gas. Tues. and Wed. we worked on the table.  Linda painted around the broiler room and behind the kitchen.

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