Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our 2nd week in Orlando

Thur. Linda got up early to see the sun rise. Then the rest of the day we cleaned and Put the air tubes of the sleep #. bed under it.

Fri. We went to Tams to have Brendan's b-day.  We gave Tam and Kenn a date night. We made rice crispy cupcakes with chocolate icing, homemade pizzas with the kids, went for a swim, and did a craft. We had a great time with them.

Sat. Jim and Lana Perkins came up for the weekend. We played cards (the girls won most of the games) we took walks and just relaxed.  It was a weekend that all of us needed. Sunday after they left we read and took a swim.

Mon. we got ready to leave for St. Pete again. Tues. we left went threw a rainstorm but got here safely.  We were able to get the same lot that we had before. We went to dads and had dinner. Wed. we went to dads helped clean the garage and the pool.(one step closer to garage sale)  We did some trimming on the trees.

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