Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Service at Camping World/Katie's Baptized

Thur. we got up and drove to Nashville  to camping world. It was a very long day.  We are having to get the manager involved and they are trying to be an advocate in finding out who is paying for what.  We had to empty the we can not live in it and the battery is not going to be able to stay charged.  Unfortunately this is going to be a long drawn out process.  Our patience is being tested.  We should be thankful we have a daughter who doesn't live to far from Camping World as We probably need to sit there so they don't forget we're homeless and to stay on top of things.
Fri. We are back at camping world at 9 am and we are now waiting on responses from warranty on the parts and our ins. By noon we felt we got them to order the part so we wont find out till Mon. We left there to go to our financial advisor and Then went to close a safety deposit box at one bank and open one at another. Sat. after a huge breakfast we took Mackenzie to softball practice. Chris is the head coach and has two asst. coaches. Chris and I worked to get his pool pump working (well he worked and I was the go fetch person) and the girls made cupcakes. Sun. we went to church met Kari, Steven and Addy and we all watched as Chris Baptized Katie. What a privilege to witness that!!!! We came home and made home made pizza and ate our cupcakes. 


Mon. We went to the toe Dr. and he said that my toe was infected under the toe nail and said the best would be to take the nail off.  After being very scared and Linda holding my hand I had it removed.  He said it would take a year for it to grow out. We made another trip to Camping World for the reel Co. charged our account and we have not heard from the extended warranty if they are covering the labor. Yea after sitting at camping world all afternoon we finally got the approval from ins. co to pay the labor!!!!!! 
Tues. This afternoon we took off the bandages and it looks like I have red fingernail polish on my toe but it does sting a little. Now all I have to do is put a large band aid on it. We found that our part will be coming Wed. but now they can not get to us until Fri. morning. When the girls got home Linda helped them with their homework.We bought our bike rack for the rear of the truck. We found Tn has nice sunsets also.

Wed. We went to Camping World to make sure they had the right part.  With the UPS tracking we  knew it was there.  We also got the bike rack for the rear of the 5th wheel.  We had to get a spacer for the rear of the truck and found we could not use the lock till we make the hole on the bike rack bigger.  We will nut and bolt it till we get that done.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hohenwald electic

Thur. we stayed at the park got the truck and 5th wheel washed, Then while we did laundry we brought our chairs down to the river and read.  Very relaxing. We went through a big storm with a lot of lightning.

Fri. our electric quit working at around 4:30 pm. We called Heartland to see what to do and they said they were closing at 5pm and to have the Rangers check out the voltage and if that didn't work call someone to come see what the problem was. Well we called the only person that does calls in this remote area and he really just does minor repairs but we were blessed with alot of people coming over to see what was going on. We believe God put a retired elec. to help this guy we were paying to fine the cause. Our power reel had burnt the entire way thru the neutral wire. We are very blessed he said that the rig did not start on fire. The only way that could have burnt was when they assembled it they never tighted down a screw causing a loose wire and it took a year for it to burn all the way thru. Of course its fri. nite and we have no electricity and everything is closed the weekend. Thank goodness its only suppose to be in the low 80's!!! Great neighbors have loaned us a cord an we had to go to Walmart and get a converter that converts 30 amps to 20. We are still trying to stay positive and pray that its covered under warranty. So last nite we slept with no elec. and the cord thru the window allowed us to have our little fan on!!!!!!

  Sat. We went on the North Lawrence Scenic Tour. We went to Lawrenceburg ate lunch and did some shopping at of course Wal-Mart then headed to Ethridge an Amish community. At The Red Rooster we had a cake with peanut butter topping and ice cream (fresh hot out of the oven and homemade ice cream yum yum). Drove 20 miles in the Amish area then off to Summertown on  the way stopped at Shaffer butcher shop and bar-b-q.  They had the best brisket we have ever had (next time trying their ribs!!!).  Their baked beans and potato were wonderful and for dessert we had a Japanese fruit pie and bourbon peanut brittle(everything homemade).  At Henryville (originally Pennington a person who made the first air plane and probably after death wife sold to the Wright Brothers) we were to get some fresh blueberries but in May they had a freeze and lost the whole crop.
Sun. we got up early and drove to Franklin Tn. to go to church with Matt and Shannon Kidder(childhood friend of Jennifers at our old church) then we meet Jen and family for lunch to celebrate Linda's birthday. We walked around the Coolspring Mall with them after they left we went looking for new bikes.
 Mon. we spent the morning finding out where to get our unit fixed at.  We will be leaving here and going to camping world  in Nashville on Thurs. to have it evaluated.
Tues.we went to David Crockett State Park. The park was full of wild life, deer, squirells, geese and more. We drove thru two campgrounds, scout camp, went and excerised at a senior exercise course. We also saw a small water falls, covered bridge, water wheel, swimming pool, restaurant, lake, and many hiking and bike trails. We found out the restaurant was closed on Mon. and Tues. so we went to town and ate. While there we found our bikes, a new seat, and lock!! Thanks to my dad who gave us money toward them. After dinner we went with our neighbors Dale and Linda on a bike ride then for the second night we played cards with them. Wed. we washed the truck, clothes, and inside the 5th wheele. We got all we could get done in ready to leave.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Clarksville and Hohenwald Tn.

Thur. Linda made fried potatoes and eggs with sausage and bacon and left over waffles for breakfast.  Then we took all the used drink bottles, boxes, and other stuff that we have used so far and the kids made a project out of them. We were not able to swim because the pool was closed. We then had a cupcake eating contest.

Fri. We got up and went to Nashville.  We went to the Mynsters, then our financial advisor, went to see the park we worked at last year, two banks and saw the Williams.  When we got to Clarksville we went to the Alvarez's, made two walls for Lilimarie's doll house. Then got a pizza and watched "The Lorax" Sat. we went to the Army Base to see the Air Show.  They had lots of their planes and helicopters out on display.  They even had a  air assault and rescue at dawn demonstration deployment  and showed how they would capture an enemy. .  They must have used  20 helicopters doing different things.  They also had a team that parachutes and did different stunts on the way down. The thing they liked the most was geering up and going down the wall.

Sun. After church we went back to the camp and had a picnic and a swim. Later we meet Shannnon and Al at Sams got some some supplies and had pizza. When we got back we cleaned and got the camper ready to move. Mon. The Lord blessed us with another great move to Hohenwald to Natchez Trace. The KOA-Thousand Trails campgrpund is old and secluded.  Aftrer lunch we were honered with Jim and Lana Perkins to come and visit and stay a couple of nights. We played cards, ate then more cards and food.  Tues. after a early breakfast we played more cards then drove to Lawrenceburg. It is a small town we had lunch then went home. To this point the guys were winning most of the card games. After dinner and a small walk the girls started to win some of the games. Wed. Jim and Lana left for N.C. We were so happy they came and we had a great visit with them.  We hope to visit with them again soon.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hendersville and Clarksville Tn.

Thur. we drove to Millersville Tn. to Nashville Country RV Park.  Then to Williams to pick up the girls after dinner. We went first to Mackenzie school to pick up her school classes and meet her teachers.  When we got back to the park we had a cherry pie eating contest, the park had a concert and watermelon which we all had a piece, we played bean bag toss, checkers and tic tac doe. Then we went swimming and watched the Olympics.

Fri. We had lots of pancakes(Mackenzie made and Linda cooked), fruit (Katie cut up), and coffee I made. We went shopping for the food for the next few days.  Went to a park and played and the girls had a running contest. We had lunch and went swimming.  After quite time the girls made up play dough salads. hamburgers. drinks, coffee,and brownies.  Then more swimming and had hobos for dinner. Then the girls fed each other apple pie blindfolded.  We went for another swim and watched the Olympics and bed.

Sat. The girls sleep in then they made bacon, omelets, and pancakes. Then the girls made graham cracker village. We went to the city park again then went swimming.  Had lunch, quite time, then it rained so we played Five Crowns which Mackenzie won. After dinner went swimming again and watch the Olympics.

Sun. after church the Williams took us to Genghis Grill for fathers and mothers day. You get pick your meat, vegs; toppings, then sauce and they cook it with rice or noodles. We had dessert then Starbucks coffee. We meet Kari, Steven and Addi at Jens. We then came to RV park. Went to city park then swimming, dinner, cookies and played cards.

Mon. we left for Clarksville RV Park. We meet the Al, Lilimarie, Diego, and Xander at their Lilimarie and Diego's school for the student to meet their teachers. Then to Shannon and Xander's school.  We went out to dinner to Chill's. We brought the kids home to spend the night. Tues we got up and Lilimarie made waffles with fruit and whip cream on them.  We went swimming, watched Lord of the Ring, made gramcraker craft, swam, made hobo's, and went swimming again.  We took them home for they have school on Wed.

Wed. Xander came in the morning after Al took him to kindergarden orientation.  We picked up the other kids later after their 1/2 day.  We tried to go to the park but after 99 degree heat we left and went to the store for ice cream.  We took Diego to karate where after class he was told that he would move up to the next class.  We then went and  got pizza had dinner and went swimming.  Al and Shannon surprised us with ice cream cones and asked the kids how their first day was.

Xander's Olympia award