Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hendersville and Clarksville Tn.

Thur. we drove to Millersville Tn. to Nashville Country RV Park.  Then to Williams to pick up the girls after dinner. We went first to Mackenzie school to pick up her school classes and meet her teachers.  When we got back to the park we had a cherry pie eating contest, the park had a concert and watermelon which we all had a piece, we played bean bag toss, checkers and tic tac doe. Then we went swimming and watched the Olympics.

Fri. We had lots of pancakes(Mackenzie made and Linda cooked), fruit (Katie cut up), and coffee I made. We went shopping for the food for the next few days.  Went to a park and played and the girls had a running contest. We had lunch and went swimming.  After quite time the girls made up play dough salads. hamburgers. drinks, coffee,and brownies.  Then more swimming and had hobos for dinner. Then the girls fed each other apple pie blindfolded.  We went for another swim and watched the Olympics and bed.

Sat. The girls sleep in then they made bacon, omelets, and pancakes. Then the girls made graham cracker village. We went to the city park again then went swimming.  Had lunch, quite time, then it rained so we played Five Crowns which Mackenzie won. After dinner went swimming again and watch the Olympics.

Sun. after church the Williams took us to Genghis Grill for fathers and mothers day. You get pick your meat, vegs; toppings, then sauce and they cook it with rice or noodles. We had dessert then Starbucks coffee. We meet Kari, Steven and Addi at Jens. We then came to RV park. Went to city park then swimming, dinner, cookies and played cards.

Mon. we left for Clarksville RV Park. We meet the Al, Lilimarie, Diego, and Xander at their Lilimarie and Diego's school for the student to meet their teachers. Then to Shannon and Xander's school.  We went out to dinner to Chill's. We brought the kids home to spend the night. Tues we got up and Lilimarie made waffles with fruit and whip cream on them.  We went swimming, watched Lord of the Ring, made gramcraker craft, swam, made hobo's, and went swimming again.  We took them home for they have school on Wed.

Wed. Xander came in the morning after Al took him to kindergarden orientation.  We picked up the other kids later after their 1/2 day.  We tried to go to the park but after 99 degree heat we left and went to the store for ice cream.  We took Diego to karate where after class he was told that he would move up to the next class.  We then went and  got pizza had dinner and went swimming.  Al and Shannon surprised us with ice cream cones and asked the kids how their first day was.

Xander's Olympia award

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