Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another Fun Week IN Fair Play S.C.

Thur. we spent the day replacing the rear shades. We took the old ones to Anderson to ship them back. We then went to Wal Mart to get some stuff for our chiggers. I have 3 spots and Linda has 11 and counting.

We then went into town to listen to this weeks block party band.  It seems that towns have different thing for you to search for.  This one along with the fish they have Wrens to look for there were 24 places some have one bird some seven the picture below has five that you can find.

Fri. the glass person came to fix our windshield. We were happy to get it done and pray that it will not have to be replaced.  We then got our mail for the month.  We had a pot luck dinner at the park again then rushed home to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

Sat. we got up early to go to the farmers market and out to breakfast.(our $2.88 full entree including coffee)  We then drove to Greenville walked down Main St. they to had a farmers market after closing off Main Street.

There was a statueof Nathanael Greene who led American troops in the South during the Revolutionary War and played a pivotal role in turning the tidein favor of the Patriots.

 Falls Park (this is a falls that goes down the middle of town where the first settlers put the first trading post). They have made it into a nice park where they have a stage for drama and plays. the Liberty Bridge a walking bridge that goes over the falls.($4.5 million Liberty Bridge does more than span the Reedy River-it serves as the focal pt of Falls Park.  The355 ft. long bridge has a horizontal curve radius of 214ft. and two 90ft tall masts weighing 26tons each.

We continue our walk to Fluor field and Shoeless Joe Jackson house across from the field. The house was his last home where he died in the bedroom. This is a museum so you can imagine the newspaper articles and other stuff that was there. There was a room with alot of baseball books in it.

They have a free trolley that runs up and down Main St. We rode it to the other side of town where we went to the Upcountry History Museum. They were having a 100 year celebration for the Hospital and had many displays set up and many things for kids to do ( where were the grandbabies?). There was alot of Greenville history to see. 
We left there and went to Greenville County Museum of Art. There were many artist that were featured and many unusual works. My favorite was one of the artist did his work on leather. We also went to the American Legion Post #3 war Museum.

We stopped by the Confederate Memorial.

We had lunch at Groucho's Deli then coffee and cupcake at The Chocolate Moose.

 Then a stroll through the old Mast General Store where they had barrel after barrel of candy.

Mon. After getting up and both of us felling better we traveled to Tallulah Gorge State Park. We visited the campgrounds which are wonderful got a two dollar discount into the park. We saw a movie on the history of the gorge. We talked to a ranger who helped us get a permit to go down into the gorge. After 620 steps we made it to a foot bridge then 1,062 steps to the Huricane falls. We passed Hurricane falls, Devil's Pulpit, Oceana falls, and Calendonia Cascade we have gone 1,000 feet into the gorge.(It was very treachous way to get there. At times you had to Clench onto straight down smooth rocks. Linda wanted to give up several times.) After getting there we slid down the falls several times. The weather started to get bad so we left. The first part of the trip back was easier than coming. We came to a place that we couldn't get past. Linda slid into the water and the current got a hold of her and she could not hold on to the very slippery edge. She was scared to death I threw my backpack to the edge only to have the camera fall into a puddle of water six inches deep. We were lucky that the backpack Linda had we put the phone and my wallet into ziplock bags. I took off my belt to give to Linda then I fell down the slippery rocks into the water we were able to get down river a little to get out of the water. Two more couples came and the six of us were able to get everyone to the other side with all three men slidding into the water and Linda again fell in but one of the guys helped her up stream to the other side. Then we all went back to the 1,682 steps to the interpretive center. We were both happy to get back to the truck safe and only with sore and bruised muscles. We put the camera in rice for 7 days to see of we can get it dryed out. As you can see by the pictures we did save the sd card. I'm very happy that Linda stepped out of her box and went on this very dangerous venture.

Wed.  We went to the scales to see what the truck and 5th wheel weigh we have 6 different weights and do not not know what any of them mean!!!.  We will be taking them to Marshall TX. to find out.We drove to Adairsville Ga. We then went to Rome Ga. to tour.  We went to Berry College where 80% of the workers are college students because that is what pays off there educ. 96 % of undergrads have financial aid. The college was named after Martha Berry who donated over 26,000 acres of land for the college.. There is around 2000 students.
two girls dorms, Adm., music dept. and alumni are in this court yard

this is where folk come for a retreat

 Martha went 7 miles from her home to teach. back int 1830,s
they could not afford bibles so she printed verses on the walls

built in 1930. one of the largest operational wooden overshot waterwheels anywhere at 42 feet in diameter
 this was called swan lake and as you can see, it had one on it
 this is some of the barns on the campus.  this one has many horses

there were many deer we saw about 30 of them.

We left there to go Martha Berry Settlement but it was closing.  Then we drove into the town.
it was neat to see some of the fawn playing with the does

Rome Ga.Very neat architecture and building structures.
some of the fountains

fountain and park
We had dinner at Partridge Restaurant family style. They started us with our drink, corn bread in cast iron skillet, and cole slaw.  For dinner we had fried chicken, pintobeans, mac/cheese, green beans,broccoli casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy. We got served our drinks in mason jars and had pear cobbler and banana pudding. This was all for $10.00.  You didnt get a menu you just had a choice of  4 different meats to choose from.  Totally awesome food and atmosphere.  You just rolled out of there.

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