Monday, September 24, 2012

Paragould Ar

Thur. night the children campus had us over for hamburgers and hot dogs.  It was nice being with all the kids. Linda sat with Mathew and I set with Whitney.  Those of our group who sewed made pillow cases for all the kids and staff we also gave them a book marker.

Sat. one of our sojourners had us over to there home for ribs and a ride around their farm.  They live 90 min from camp in Pounder, Mo..there family has owned the land before the civil war. He has a large wood shop, a  canning room and a cabin with multi bedrooms and bathrooms. After dinner that gave Linda and I and Sally  a cake for our Anni. and her b-day.

 Sat. we got up and went to town for breakfast then the guys came home and the girls went garage saling. One of the couples invited us to see the farm and camp that the children home have. On the way home we stopped at a state park.  That evening we went back to the Roundup.  We came home early Lin wasn't feeling good.  Sun we went to the church that the children home goes to and we sat with Mathew and the rest of his home. Then we went to Casa Brava a Mexican restaurant.

Another couple invited us to there home for bible study. games and dinner (pull pork, grilled chicken, and the fixins). We had an awesome time.  Mon. I started working on the cabinet for the TV. Linda worked on the clothes that were donated to the home. That night another couple had us over for a fish fry and everyone brought the other items for dinner. Three ladies brought their dulcimers and played for us and then the girls (they invited one of the girls cottages over with us) decided to get spoons and used them as instruments. It sounded awesome and we had so much fun watching them. Then they were able to learn how to play the dulcimer.

Tues. the kids had a special program for us during the morning devo. I had four boys come help me with the cabinets, it was for there 4H project. They stained the wood and glued four of the doors. Linda worked on the donated clothes again. After dinner we played cards.

Wed. we were treated to a big breakfast spread by the staff at the Children Home.!!!!1(yum yum)  We were able to glue alot of the cabinets we are making. Hoping to install tomorrow. Linda worked on folding clothes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Children's Home Inc./ OUR 40TH ANN.

Thur. we had a day of catch up. It was nice to just sit and read and get ready to move. Fri. we left to Paragould Ar. The trip was 4 hours we made it safe and drove through many cotton fields and parked at Crowley's Ridge College about one mile from Children's Home Inc. where we will be doing our next sojourner. That night we went to a round up.  The entertainment was great and they had one entertainer after another. 

Sat. we got up with two other couples and went to breakfast in Paragould. There was a mural on a building by the railroad track they are taking down. Back at the camp near the baseball field there are wild turkeys.

 Sun.  OUR 40TH ANNIVERSARY  We went to Church. then to Jonesboro for lunch and shopping at the mall.  We got back to go to church and play cards agiain.  The guys are going to have to change there luck.  Mon. we started our sojourn. I am fixing a gate and Linda is cleaning. Yea the guys won at cards .  Tues. We had our morning devo( this is such a rewarding time) with the kids today.   before we start our work. I finished the gate I was fixing and that night we played cards again.
 Linda finished cleaning out the attic and I pressure cleaned and drew up plans for a new cabinet

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Savannah Tn to Saulsbury Tn

Thur. In town we went to the Tn. River Museum. What we liked most of the Museum was how they made shells to buttons. We drove around town and saw the Cherry Mansion a house where Grant stayed before the fighting. Then saw several mansions before going to Hagy"s Catfish Hotel.

They drill the shells then put smalll holes to make buttons

 The view from Cherry Mansion looking down the Tn. River
Cherry Mansion where Grant and some of his men stayed

one of many mansion in Savannah Tn

Outside Restaurant

View looking down the Tn. river from restaurant
Fri. we traveled to Saulsbury Tn. to a 1000's trails park. Out of 339 sights there are 6 rv's here.  The sight is nice with a huge pool and many amenites. Sat. There was a big rainstorm last night we woke up this morning with 67 degrees weather and a light drizzle.  Happy we made it with no problems. After our bible study we went on our first bike ride. I am happy Linda gets to know her bike better.  This is the first time she has shifted geers on a bike.  Sun. we met alot of folks at church. A couple invited us to sped the day with them on Tues.  We left for Bolivar where we had lunch at a mom and pop place. Then drove to Whiteville, Hickory Valley, Grand Junction, and Saulsbury.  If the speed limit did not slow us down we would not know we were going through a town!!  The closest Walmart is 30 miles away.
Mon. we went to Memphis.  We saw alot of the town and it did not seem to be clean.  Alot of the places we went in smelled.  We did see this  baseball park.

The town is full of music legends.  The father of the blues Willam Christopher Handy.  It was here that Handy published one of the first popular blues song, "The Memphis Blues" which linked the city and the sound from that point on and earned him the nickname Father of the Blues.A statue of Handy holding his trumpet presides over Beale Street at the W.C.Handy Performance Park.

Beale Street is the history district and home of the Blues with more than 25 clubs and shops. also around it you have the Gibson Guitar Factory and the A. Schwab the oldest family owned store.


You also have Elvis the " King of Rock and Roll"

BB King is " King of the Blues"

There were many Historical points we saw like the Civil War park, we looked at the Mud Island which was closed, and the place where Martin Luther King was shot.  The highlight was the St Jude Children Hospital.  It told of the history of Danny Thomas and family and how his dream to build the Hospital. St. Jude hospital began with a promise made by Danny Thomas.  Unsure about his future he prayed to St Jude," the Saint of hopeless causes" saying "Show me my way in life and someday I will build you a shrine." I need a sign.  He was in church praying because he needed $70 to get his wife and baby out of the hospital.  Placing $7 of the $10 he had.  He prayed to St. Jude again saying "I need that back times 10.  The next day he got a call to do a commercial for $75.  He got his sign and his career took off.  He never forgot that day.  In 1950's he started to propose a hospital dedicated to curing catastrophic childhood diseases where no family would have to pay.  His dream  became reality in 1962.


1962 diagnosis for Hodgin lymphoma and in 2007 he returned to hospital to participate in the St., Jude Life Study of long term survivors.He is the longest living patient.

On the way out of town we ate a Tom's Bar-B-Q  a place that " Guy " featured on his his tv program "Diners Drive- N  Dives"
Tues. we went to Karen and Royce Jones home and they drove us to see parts of the county. There are many old homes, and parts of the civil war with an empty farm (Ames Plantation) that has slave quarters.( Could not download pictures at this time. sorry)    Wed. we caught up on alot of things including washing the truck and 5th wheel.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We got ELECTRIC/Lorreta Lynn Ranch/Savannah Tn.

Thur.  we stayed at Jens they scheduled the part for Fri. Jen called and said she had free tickets to the Titian's vs. Saints.  We had free parking next to the field and great seats around the thirty yard line.  We took Katie with us because Chris and Mackenzie had practice.

Fri. after Cracker Barrel we went to Camping World to encourage them to get our unit done.  Our appt. was 9:30 it was to take a couple of hours but we did not leave till 4:00 but it was done YEA. We got a campsite at Nashville camping rv park which was there last one.  We went to Jen to get some of our stuff. Sat. after getting our bikes  on the back of the 5th wheel and making sure everything was working we went to Jens for dinner,cards and the rest of our stuff.  Kari, Addy and Stephen come over also and Jen was the winner in golf.

 Sun. we left after Church to go to Loretta Lynn's Ranch.  It rained in the morning but we managed to leave and when we got to the camp site we had to wait for the rain to stop. We drove around and found Loretta's home.They also were having a large horse show going on.

 Mon. We drove into Waverly and found the town closed except for Walmart.  We then came back and drove around Loretta's ranch. She has her home and a sawmill, an what a coal mine would be like and a museum. That night they were having a concert where the horse show was taken place.  Linda and I went and listened to some of the singers and danced a little. It was a great night.


Tues. We drove to Jackson Tn. ate at a buffet at Casey Jones railroad and museum. It nice to see American hero. Casey was an engineer that came around a corner to see a train stopped on his tracks.  He told his Pullman to jump and he stayed to stop the train.  When it hit he lost his life but saved all his passengers. After a long day we got to Green Acres RV Park in Savannah Tn. Linda went for a swim and we later watched a movie we rented.

Wed. Our trip to Shiloh Battlefield April 6-7 1862
Union Dress
Confederate Dress
Memorial to the Confederate

this is one of the many memorials to the leaders of the Union Army
as we went thru the park here is one of the many lines the two sides held on the 6th
This is inside the Shilok Church where the name of the battle came from

is the church that was built after the war. As you can see it was started twice because of lack of funds

This is where the Union army got surrended and captured it is called the Hornets nest because of the bullets coming from so many directions and they buzzed like bees. 2100 Union soldiers were captured.

dedicated to the men who fought from Tn.
 Called Bloody  Pond.  During the battle soldiers of both sides came here to drink and bathe their wounds.  Both men and horses died at the pond their blood staining the water.
 The next three pictures are of the indian mounds found at Shiloh. They where there about 800 years ago.On top of the mounds is where the villages were and the round mounds is where they buried there dead.

 The next three pictures are of the dam at Pickwick Landing. It was one of the largest we've seen