Monday, September 24, 2012

Paragould Ar

Thur. night the children campus had us over for hamburgers and hot dogs.  It was nice being with all the kids. Linda sat with Mathew and I set with Whitney.  Those of our group who sewed made pillow cases for all the kids and staff we also gave them a book marker.

Sat. one of our sojourners had us over to there home for ribs and a ride around their farm.  They live 90 min from camp in Pounder, Mo..there family has owned the land before the civil war. He has a large wood shop, a  canning room and a cabin with multi bedrooms and bathrooms. After dinner that gave Linda and I and Sally  a cake for our Anni. and her b-day.

 Sat. we got up and went to town for breakfast then the guys came home and the girls went garage saling. One of the couples invited us to see the farm and camp that the children home have. On the way home we stopped at a state park.  That evening we went back to the Roundup.  We came home early Lin wasn't feeling good.  Sun we went to the church that the children home goes to and we sat with Mathew and the rest of his home. Then we went to Casa Brava a Mexican restaurant.

Another couple invited us to there home for bible study. games and dinner (pull pork, grilled chicken, and the fixins). We had an awesome time.  Mon. I started working on the cabinet for the TV. Linda worked on the clothes that were donated to the home. That night another couple had us over for a fish fry and everyone brought the other items for dinner. Three ladies brought their dulcimers and played for us and then the girls (they invited one of the girls cottages over with us) decided to get spoons and used them as instruments. It sounded awesome and we had so much fun watching them. Then they were able to learn how to play the dulcimer.

Tues. the kids had a special program for us during the morning devo. I had four boys come help me with the cabinets, it was for there 4H project. They stained the wood and glued four of the doors. Linda worked on the donated clothes again. After dinner we played cards.

Wed. we were treated to a big breakfast spread by the staff at the Children Home.!!!!1(yum yum)  We were able to glue alot of the cabinets we are making. Hoping to install tomorrow. Linda worked on folding clothes.

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