Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Children's Home Inc./ OUR 40TH ANN.

Thur. we had a day of catch up. It was nice to just sit and read and get ready to move. Fri. we left to Paragould Ar. The trip was 4 hours we made it safe and drove through many cotton fields and parked at Crowley's Ridge College about one mile from Children's Home Inc. where we will be doing our next sojourner. That night we went to a round up.  The entertainment was great and they had one entertainer after another. 

Sat. we got up with two other couples and went to breakfast in Paragould. There was a mural on a building by the railroad track they are taking down. Back at the camp near the baseball field there are wild turkeys.

 Sun.  OUR 40TH ANNIVERSARY  We went to Church. then to Jonesboro for lunch and shopping at the mall.  We got back to go to church and play cards agiain.  The guys are going to have to change there luck.  Mon. we started our sojourn. I am fixing a gate and Linda is cleaning. Yea the guys won at cards .  Tues. We had our morning devo( this is such a rewarding time) with the kids today.   before we start our work. I finished the gate I was fixing and that night we played cards again.
 Linda finished cleaning out the attic and I pressure cleaned and drew up plans for a new cabinet

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