Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Seeing more of Texas

Thur. We got the generator put oil and gas and started it. It did well when we hooked up the rig.I also finished a cork board for Jean.

this is the cork board I made for Jean
We went out to a Mexican Restaurant for James's Birthday
Fri. we got up said are good buys to James and Jean and started going west. We stopped by a clothing store that Jean told us about and got some jeans for each of us. It was very windy coming we got 10 mph. We stopped at Abilene Tx. for two nights. 
Sat. Linda had a bad headache so we went to downtown Abilene late but just in time to see the Veterans Day Parade. Then we took a trip to see Abilene Christian University.


this was taken at a park downtown 

 this is at Abilene Christian University 

 We went out to a movie (Mr. Smith goes to Washington with Jimmy Stewart) at a remodeled old historic theater

Sun. We went to church then decided to wait one more day here for the wind is strong. It was good to do bills and go thou our pecans we picked. 
Mon. we got up to 28 degree weather this is the frost on the back of the pick-up
 hear is the cotton fields with tractor trailer size cotton bales. below is the oil refinery
this is the gates to the Monahans Sandhill State Park we played in the sand like two kids in a sandbox
Here are some of plants that live in the snadoms. They say that summer the hills are full of yellow plants.
We may not be able ot show more pictures for the internet is not strong here. The  havard oak trees only grow four feet. The roots extend for up to 70 feet beneath the sand and help stabilize the drunes. and lots of anmils live off the acorns.  The camping here is nice for everthing is pull throu.
 we got the internet to work

look at Lins feet to see the snad over the shoe

here are some of the havard oak trees


Here is three different types of cactus that grow in the dunes

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