Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cottonwood Az.

Thur. we got up and drove to Sedona ate at the Oak Creek Brewery and Grill at the Talaquepaque shopping area and desert at The Secret Garden Cafe. We drove to the Airport Rd. which has a great view of the city and Mt..  From there we went to Doe Mt. a flat Mt. which also has great views. We walked to the top. Just six tenths of a mile up 400 feet.  It got our heart rate going.

This was a gingerbread house made out of hershey's it looked yummmmmmmy
Fri. Linda made pancakes, we got our christmas card ready to mail, I finished cleaning the bikes and we played penny pokino (we broke even).  Sat. We mailed our Christmas cards then headed back to Sodena we drove toward Flagstaff in the valley. these pictures do not do justice to the hight, width, and beauty of these Mountains.
here is  Chapel of the Holy Cross built in the mt. in 1956. It has a90 foot cross.  They still have services there.  It offer great views in and out of the chapel  
The  Festival of Lights  in Tlaquepaque shopping area is a luminaries of 6000 lights.  They have five different area's that have entertainment. In the hotel near by they have 25 different lighting's here are a few of them.

As we waited for darkness the sun is setting in the mountains.
This is the road to Jerome a copper mine town started in 1883 rose to a  pop. 15,000 a ghost town when the copper mine closed in 1953. It now has pop.329

This was the hospital and it now is the Jerome Grand Hotel. They have a restaurant called the Asylum.  Linda had butternut squash soup which was out of this world and I had a Caesar salad
This is an old projector used in the movie theaters.

 It is hard to tell from these two pictures how curvy the road is from Jerome to Prescott
Prescott is a very neat town with alot of small unique shops around the Courthouse.  They also have many old buildings with different architect. We stopped at a pizza place and a fudge shop. In the square they were exercising with hola hoops and what looked like different karate equipment.
After leaving the windy Mountains it was nice to be on the somewhat smooth valley.
Mon. I worked on this blog then we played penny pokeno again I think we are now ahead Linda won the big pot.  Tues. We got our cover for the water heater and it was the right one Yea. we did our bills, laundry, bike ride, and played putt putt. All before it started to get cold again.
Wed. boy has it been cold we slept in and had breakfast in bed. I did three classes for princess cruises and wii bowling at the center.  We all put in a quarter then for ever strike or spare you get a card for a poker hand. Bingo tonite.

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