Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our Last Week At Mt. Dora

 Thur. We finished the concrete on the girls locker room.  Then we cemented posts around the ac units by the gym.  We also got a house ready for painting.  Linda's team did some power washing.

Fri.  We both slept in.  We went out to lunch with Ed and Davon to an Italian restaurant.  When we got back to camp Jim and Lana were here.  We went on a walk around camp, had dinner then played cards. Tonight the girls won.

Sat. after breakfast Tonya (the boys houseparent) came to visit an see our rig.She took us along with Jim and Lana  to town to go to the produce market.  Later that afternoon Linda went with some of the ladies to a flee market. When she got back we ate supper then cards.  The guys won.

Sun. After we got back from church we ate then played cards.  We shared a watermelon then went to a play at the school. It was Charlie Brown.  The kids did a great job.The boys houseparents daughter did all the props.

Mon.We had a hard day at sojourning and both of us were tired. I did some caulking and sanding getting a house ready for painting.  Linda did some painting at the baseball field.  When we got home Jim and Lana were getting here from a day at Disney. We played cards and the guys won.
Tues. I finished my caulking and started painting.  We got one coat on the house.  Linda did some priming and painting.  We got back to the camp Lana had made some potato soup for us.  We played some cards and the girls won.

Wed.  Every morning we start out with a devotion I am the co leader so my job is to make sure we have a song leader, a person for prayer, and one to do the devotion.
 Here are some of the ladies that Linda worked with.
Brad on the right is in charge of all the work, tools, and material. Allen makes sure we have everything at the right place and does whatever we need help with.  Together they make a great team.

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