Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Eustis Fl.

Sat. we went to their church and watch an Easter play and then watched the kids go to a egg hunt.  We left there and went to The Arnold Palmer Invitational golf tournament. We were able to see many top golfers. There were many nice homes there and below a bird. When we got to Tam's we bought some wood for their wooden chairs they were fixing.  Tam, Kenn, Linda, and I went to see Les Miserables.


Sun. we went to church, shopping, and got things back to normal.

 Mon.I I got the rear of the rig waxed.  I was surprised to see how much the rig oxidized. Below is a view of the back window we have like views on the sides now that only three rigs remain.

Tues. I Waxed the front of the rig and cleaned the carpets. As they were drying we decided to go to Tams and cook dinner and go to a movie (Lincoln) with Kenn and Tammy. We played with the kids and they made many different objects. When we got back to the rig at 1am it was 51 inside for we left the windows open and 43 outside.

Wed. We relaxed and enjoyed the park.  Went to church and  we are studying the book of Job

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