Thursday, November 14, 2013

Last Days in Hot Springs Ar. and back to Marshall Tx.

Thur. we went to Hot Springs National Park to Hot Springs Mountain. We went to the 216 foot tower. We had a great view and looked a the display on the history of the town.

Fri. we drove to Garvan Woodland Gardens run by University of Arkansas. The picture below is of the Anthony Chapel 138 feet long and 60 feet tall it has 1230 sq. ft. of glass skylights and 9860 sq. ft. of wall glass. It cost $5.8 million which was all donated.

The next two pictures are of the flowers, bridges, ponds, leaves, and the start of the Christmas decorations. 

Sunday after church we drove to Marshall Tx.  On the way we stopped by some corp of eng. campgrounds.  We may stop sometime in the future. Since Monday was a holiday we did not do a sojourn.  We did get alot of things done around the rig.  We moved it so they could winterize the area it was parked in and I washed the truck.  We drove to Longview got our hair cut and had dinner at Newk's.  We did get back in time to play cards.  The girls won both Mon. and Tues.  Linda worked in the office and I helped with the add on to the pole barn on Tues. Wed. and Thur.  As you can see from the picture below it was cold.  In the high 20's on Wed and Thur.

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