Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tn. Williams, Alvarezs, and and Drs.

Thur. after breakfast and bible study we went to LiliMarie's school f or lunch at 10:35.  They had there ham and turkey lunch with all the fixin's.

Fri. we went and had lunch with Diego.  We brought food from Wendy's.  Later we got him from school and went shopping.  After dinner we watched a movie then played with there sugargliders. Linda played Sorry with the kids.

 Sat. We played more sorry.  The guys went to Buffalo Wings, the girls went shopping then to Hendersonville for a hoilday village craft show then I met the girls and Williams at Demo's for dinner.
Sunday after church we met at Sams for pizza and shopping there and the mall.  We had dinner then played cards. Monday we had breakfast then a Dr. appointment which he found a ingrown toenail and did a partial nail removal. The nail was 1/4 inch into my skin.  In my afternoon  Dr. appt. he removed 5 spots and Wed. four more we get the results in two weeks. As we were leaving it was snowing.  Linda did a great job driving in the snow.

Tues. I made it thru the night and got the bandages off.  Linda is a good nurse not much pain.I am nervous about tomorrow. wed. this is the fifth morning in a row we woke up in the 20 degrees. We got to the doctors they took the four stitches out then got me ready for four more spots to be removed.  I was again more scared and nervous and yes it did hurt. That night I stayed home and got alot of things done that I was getting behind on.  Linda, Jennifer, and Yun went to Clarksville for dinner and bring the girls home..

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