Friday, December 27, 2013

We are out of the C O L D now in Eustis Fl. and Christmas

Wed. we drove to Perry Ga. we did not leave till 9:30 for it was below 32 degrees.  The only traffic problems was At. Ga. it may have held us up 10 to 15 min.  On Thur. we drove the rest of the way to Eustis Fl at Central Fa. Bible Camp. The trip took 13 hours driving.  Fri. Linda did laundry and I got our truck clean.  It was the dirtiest it has ever been. Sat. we went to see my dad.  We had lunch at Skidder's then ordered pizza for dinner.  We cut down some branches that were over dad's driveway.
Sunday we went to church came back to the rig ate and I washed the rig and Linda went through some books that Dad gave us.  Mon. we went to Tammy's played games, made and decorated cookies, played football and basketball. That night we looked at Christmas lights.

Tues. we went back to Tammy's and spent the night. below we are having our traditional corn chowder.
                                                below our pictures of Christmas morning

Hope made a birthday cake of Jesus
                                   Hope got a  cycle and Linda was doing a good job of riding it.

After our trip to the park I started to get sick and was in bed all day Thur.  Linda went to the mall with Tam and the kids. Fri.  I am feeling much better.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Last week in Tn.

Thur. We went to Vanderbilt Medical. to see and Dr Vic and his team.  He wants to review the samples the other Dr. took and will get back with us when he gets the findings just before Christmas.  They also froze 25 more places on arms, hands and face. We drove to Clarksville on Friday.  Lilimarie made the winning poster for her school.
                                                  We made and decorated cookies
                                              The kids were in a play at the dinner theater.

Sat. we went to Xander's school for a pancake breakfast with Santa. then on the way home we stopped by a live nativity.
 Sun. after church we went to Jen's for lunch, Chinese auction, craft fair, and a trip to Opryland Hotel.

Monday we started to get the rig ready to leave. Tues we went to Katie's concert. The program was nice and Katie sang a solo.

 Fri. it was in the twenties so we did not leave until 9:30 when it got up to 34.  The traffic was not bad and drove to Perry Ga. 7 hours.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Skin Cancer,Yun's concert,LiliMarie and Diego's Christmas Play

This year seems to be getting worse.  The Last two days I found out that I have skin cancer and my liver vitals are high (if all this doesn't make me eat right nothing will).  We will see the another skin Dr. Thur. the 12th for a second opinion. We went to Yun's concert before heading to Shannon's.
 After a leisure morning the Alvarez's took us to Cheddar's for my birthday. We brought some material to change LiliMarie's doll house. When we got home the girls sewed some material they had gotten for the doll house. We are changing the lower area from a horse barn to a bedroom and kitchen.

When we got done we went home for the Ice was getting worse and the play the kids were in got cancelled.  Sat.  We went to Katie's basketball camp.   It was great to see here skills and interact with the other girls. We were gone for a few hours but we came back to the rig it did not get above 32 today.

Sunday was a warmer day it did not freeze last night.  Jen and Chris took us to Homes 4 the Holidays for our birthdays . Four homes were decorated for Christmas.

Mon. We are still trying to get warm.  The high today 39 in the twenty's tonight.stayed in our rig all day. Tues. We woke up at 3 a.m. to see snow on the ground.  The propane heater stopped working went outside to see if problems turn it off then back on and it started to work (praise the Lord).  Went to Jen's girls were playing in the snow then they came in and made hot choc. and cookies Yun joined in on american traditions!  After dinner went home to low thirty's at 5;30 it is to get in the low twenty's tonight.

Wed. Linda is still not felling well.She never got out of her pajamas!  We got some laundry done and the bills again to bed by 5:30 it is to get in the teen tonight.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Thur. Linda did some more cooking before we left for Shannon's. Jen's family got there around one and we ate at one thirty.  Later two of Al's service men joined us for dinner.  As you can tell by the food we had plenty. We got home again to 20 degree temp. so went to bed a little after 6.

 Fri. we went to Shannon's for the day.  We talked, the kids shot their bow and arrows and air pistol we played cards and went to Lights on the Cumberland.  As you can see it was cold below freezing.

Sat. We went to get Chris some plywood for his Christmas train set.  You would thing a 4x8 would be big enough but last year he made it on the floor and it was much bigger. Now it is back to the drawling board for him.  We had pizza then home for it is in the 20's again.  Sun we went to church came home did some cooking then to Jen's for Linda's turkey pot pie.  It was very good and everyone liked it. The kids made cut out ginger cookies which we had for dessert. Sha's family came down for the day. When we got done we went to the Hendersonville Christmas Parade.

Mon. We got my blood work done in Nashville an breakfast at Panera's.  We then met with our acct.  We went to Subway and got lunch and ate at Jen's work. On Tues. we got some of the Christmas stuff done. Then went to Lighting of the Green Hosted by Amy Grant at Lipscomb Univ. Below is a picture of Amy and her daughter.

Wed. I went to get my stitches out at the derm. Then went to Nashville to see my heart Dr.  He is going to change some of my meds and do away with one.  The blood work came out good.