Friday, December 27, 2013

We are out of the C O L D now in Eustis Fl. and Christmas

Wed. we drove to Perry Ga. we did not leave till 9:30 for it was below 32 degrees.  The only traffic problems was At. Ga. it may have held us up 10 to 15 min.  On Thur. we drove the rest of the way to Eustis Fl at Central Fa. Bible Camp. The trip took 13 hours driving.  Fri. Linda did laundry and I got our truck clean.  It was the dirtiest it has ever been. Sat. we went to see my dad.  We had lunch at Skidder's then ordered pizza for dinner.  We cut down some branches that were over dad's driveway.
Sunday we went to church came back to the rig ate and I washed the rig and Linda went through some books that Dad gave us.  Mon. we went to Tammy's played games, made and decorated cookies, played football and basketball. That night we looked at Christmas lights.

Tues. we went back to Tammy's and spent the night. below we are having our traditional corn chowder.
                                                below our pictures of Christmas morning

Hope made a birthday cake of Jesus
                                   Hope got a  cycle and Linda was doing a good job of riding it.

After our trip to the park I started to get sick and was in bed all day Thur.  Linda went to the mall with Tam and the kids. Fri.  I am feeling much better.

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