Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Thur. Linda did some more cooking before we left for Shannon's. Jen's family got there around one and we ate at one thirty.  Later two of Al's service men joined us for dinner.  As you can tell by the food we had plenty. We got home again to 20 degree temp. so went to bed a little after 6.

 Fri. we went to Shannon's for the day.  We talked, the kids shot their bow and arrows and air pistol we played cards and went to Lights on the Cumberland.  As you can see it was cold below freezing.

Sat. We went to get Chris some plywood for his Christmas train set.  You would thing a 4x8 would be big enough but last year he made it on the floor and it was much bigger. Now it is back to the drawling board for him.  We had pizza then home for it is in the 20's again.  Sun we went to church came home did some cooking then to Jen's for Linda's turkey pot pie.  It was very good and everyone liked it. The kids made cut out ginger cookies which we had for dessert. Sha's family came down for the day. When we got done we went to the Hendersonville Christmas Parade.

Mon. We got my blood work done in Nashville an breakfast at Panera's.  We then met with our acct.  We went to Subway and got lunch and ate at Jen's work. On Tues. we got some of the Christmas stuff done. Then went to Lighting of the Green Hosted by Amy Grant at Lipscomb Univ. Below is a picture of Amy and her daughter.

Wed. I went to get my stitches out at the derm. Then went to Nashville to see my heart Dr.  He is going to change some of my meds and do away with one.  The blood work came out good.

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