Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fort Myers Tampa RV Show

Thur. We  enjoyed a warm windless day on the beach. We drove back to camp cleaned the truck and repacked. Fri. We drove to Mike and Pam's in Fort Myers and enjoyed lunch at Jasons with Cameron (Justin and Brandi's son). We went to see Cheryl and Steve's(the couple that introduced us to RVing)and had a spaghetti dinner.Best of all we talked for 3 straight hours and the 2 girls could have kept going all night! Sat. We went to our old coffee shop  The Grind met Justin, Brandi, Ted and Sue.That has been a favorite time we do every time we come back to Ft. Myers.
 After lunch (home made pizzas) and cards at Jim and Lana's we picked up Lizzy and went to have "touch time" with Emily (she is now 15 in. and 3 lbs and 12 oz. 69 days old.

.  For dinner we went to Nomiki's Plakka with Mike and Pam. It is a Greek restaurant and the food was great.  Sun. we went to church then to Ted and Linda Hansen house for soup. We went back to Mikes Watched a football game then Pam made delicious sloppy joes for us, them, and Justin and Brandi.We had a great visit with them. Mon. Linda had a Dr. appt. all is well. Then we went to see Brighton graveside and drove back to Eistis. It started to get cold during the night. Tues. we went to Tam's and Linda made split pea soup with the ham bone form the holidays and chicken noodle soup.  We went to Hope's tennis lesson only to find they were cancelled. Wed. We drove to the fairgrounds in Tampa which we help work the RV show.We had a meeting then to a steak house for dinner.

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