Thursday, January 16, 2014

getting ready for the Tampa RV show

Thur. We started to mark the fields for the RVs to come in.  We mark the area for folks who come to see the new RVs.  We went as a group out to Red Lobster came home went on a walk. Fri. We did the same thing but went to a Cuban store for subs then Starbucks for there new drink. Shopping at the apple store looking at there computers. When we got home walk then bed.  Sat. We started again at 8 to mark the fields. Fri. We spent the day again marking the fields but stayed home for dinner we were tired. Sat. We got most of the fields marked but the team went to Spaghetti Warehouse for a lovely dinner and dessert. Sunday after church we finished the markings then had a meeting with the rest of the group that will be helping this year. Mon. We made sure all was ready then a pot luck dinner with ham as main dish.  Tues and Wed we worked 6:30 to 5 with them bringing us a snack break in the morning and afternoon and a sandwich for lunch. And a dinner both nights hamburgers and sloppy joes the next night. We had a very exhausting two days parking almost 700 rigs in rainy cold weather.

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