Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Two Weeks before Mobil Al.

Thursday. We went to Tam's work then picked up the boys.  When we picked up hope she was still at archery.  We left there and went to the park where the boys played in the park and Hope had tennis lessons.

  Fri. we stayed at the rig washed it and did other chores.  We played pegs and jokers with Lloyd and Dottie (the guys won).Sat. Was a big day we went to pick up Brendan at a birthday party and watched as they had lazier tag. After that pizza and cake.  We left there took him home for shower and he got ready for Boy Scout banquet.  As we walked in they had four experiments to do.  They had a nice dinner with pulled chicken, sides and deserts.

                         One of the local teens from High School brought his teams frisbee throwing robot.
Sun. After church we went to Bob Evan's for lunch then home to rest and back to night worship.
Mom. We stayed home and got work ready for us to leave next week.  We played pegs and jokers again with Lloyd and Dottie (the guys won).  Tues. we went shopping on our way to Tammy's.  Linda fixed dinner then to the boys first baseball game.  Wed. We started to get ready to leave and I washed the truck and got the pollen of the roof and awning of the rig.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine and last Week of Workshop

 Fri. We went with five other coupes to breakfast at The Mason Jar. we went to Tam's and prep some food for dinner. Then to Brendan and Bryce's practice Kenn is the coach. After we got home the kids watched a movie and had dinner in their bedroom and the four of us enjoyed salad,cornish hen's, rice and asparagus.  For desert we had heart shape jello and cheesecake. A very special night!

Sat. Linda went to a Ladies day at church and I washed the rig and waxed the front end.  Sun. after church they offered folks to eat what was left over from Ladies day so we did.  Then we met Tammy and family at the mall. We went for a walk around the water. We went back to their house for cheesecake. Mon. we had great speakers at the workshop and afterward I played frisbee golf with two of the guys. We helped prep the food for the banquet on Tues. Tues. we did the workshop then had a wonderful banquet.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Looking for Motor Home and Workshop

Above Hope is at archery practice on Thur. then on Fri she has ice skating she is also getting ready to start practice for a play which she has two parts in.
We enjoyed more of Linda's homemade soup.  She made chicken noodle soup.  We watched the opening of the Olympics. Mon. was our first day of the workshop. The weather is very warm and the sun is out. We all got together for a night of singing.   Tues. after the workshop Linda went to a ladies luncheon (picture below).  They all dressed up and had hats on. We played cards and the ladies won on were winning at all eight tables.
 Wed. Below  is a picture of our speaker (Wayne Rodgers[his wife is the one who spoke at the ladies luncheon.  We enjoyed his topic on Forgive One Another.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Enjoying our visit with Dad and back to Eustis

Thur.  Linda and Dad got his side trips for his cruise in March. We went to go sight seeing when coming to a red light Dads brakes failed and we ran into a SUV.  We had the car towed to a Chevy dealer and they found nothing wrong with the brakes.  Fri. We all made it home safely. For dinner we went to a fund raiser for the Mt.Dora school and had a wonderful chicken dinner.  Sat. In the morning we went to Hope and Bryce's Awana derby car race.  Brendan has his race in the afternoon with the boy scouts. Below 34 is Bryce's car the middle one is Brendan's and Hope's is the bottom one.  We had lunch with Ed and Davon at a Italian restaurant.  Linda and I shared a angel hair spaghetti with Eggplant Parmesan and will enjoy lasagna dinner later for it came late.

Hope's in green lane this is how they started them. Below the boys in midget race cares they had on display.

Sunday we went to church then to Tam's church where Kenn and Hope entered into a chili cook off.  They won best presentation.  We went to their house where Brendan had a super bowl party.

  Mon. thru Thur. we spent time looking for a motorhome, played cards at night, and helped with the games we are making at the camp.  Tues. We had our electrical problem fixed (I did not think they could find it).