Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Two Weeks before Mobil Al.

Thursday. We went to Tam's work then picked up the boys.  When we picked up hope she was still at archery.  We left there and went to the park where the boys played in the park and Hope had tennis lessons.

  Fri. we stayed at the rig washed it and did other chores.  We played pegs and jokers with Lloyd and Dottie (the guys won).Sat. Was a big day we went to pick up Brendan at a birthday party and watched as they had lazier tag. After that pizza and cake.  We left there took him home for shower and he got ready for Boy Scout banquet.  As we walked in they had four experiments to do.  They had a nice dinner with pulled chicken, sides and deserts.

                         One of the local teens from High School brought his teams frisbee throwing robot.
Sun. After church we went to Bob Evan's for lunch then home to rest and back to night worship.
Mom. We stayed home and got work ready for us to leave next week.  We played pegs and jokers again with Lloyd and Dottie (the guys won).  Tues. we went shopping on our way to Tammy's.  Linda fixed dinner then to the boys first baseball game.  Wed. We started to get ready to leave and I washed the truck and got the pollen of the roof and awning of the rig.

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