Thursday, February 6, 2014

Enjoying our visit with Dad and back to Eustis

Thur.  Linda and Dad got his side trips for his cruise in March. We went to go sight seeing when coming to a red light Dads brakes failed and we ran into a SUV.  We had the car towed to a Chevy dealer and they found nothing wrong with the brakes.  Fri. We all made it home safely. For dinner we went to a fund raiser for the Mt.Dora school and had a wonderful chicken dinner.  Sat. In the morning we went to Hope and Bryce's Awana derby car race.  Brendan has his race in the afternoon with the boy scouts. Below 34 is Bryce's car the middle one is Brendan's and Hope's is the bottom one.  We had lunch with Ed and Davon at a Italian restaurant.  Linda and I shared a angel hair spaghetti with Eggplant Parmesan and will enjoy lasagna dinner later for it came late.

Hope's in green lane this is how they started them. Below the boys in midget race cares they had on display.

Sunday we went to church then to Tam's church where Kenn and Hope entered into a chili cook off.  They won best presentation.  We went to their house where Brendan had a super bowl party.

  Mon. thru Thur. we spent time looking for a motorhome, played cards at night, and helped with the games we are making at the camp.  Tues. We had our electrical problem fixed (I did not think they could find it).

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