Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Diana Singing- Crossville and Dandridge Tn.

Tues. We went to Charles and Janis house played cards then to their church for a VBS.
Wed. We got up had coffee and did our bible study.  Then to the ham shed for pancakes breakfast.  The bacon was so crispy and the sausage had great taste.  The rest of the day we helped where we could then went to church.
Thur. I spent the morning putting a primer on the new doors on the ham shed.Linda made home made ice cream for the first time.It was choc. hers was 1 of 12 different types.They also had cookies, cakes, and pies.
Fri. What a long day. We went out to lunch with some sojourners.  When we got back we went to the sing from 7:30 till after 1am!!Over 3,000 people!! We had  a 1/2 hour break at 10. We were to tired to stay to the end.
Sat.We drove to Tanners, Al. to watch Mackenzie play ball. We watched two games then drove back to the rig.  I helped cook some ham for the ham sandwiches.  There was only about 500 folks at the sing.  They sang 7:30 had a break at 9 then sang till late.  The girls came by around 9 and spent the night.
Sun. We went to church then drove to Columbia Tn. to meet Chris at Logan's Steak. we both enjoyed Father's day. After we drove to the rig we rested then church.  We came home got some things ready for us to leave.
Mon. We could not sleep so we got up ate did our bible study then got the rig ready to leave.  We drove to the dump station cleaned out the three tanks and drove to Crossville Tn.
Tues. We were up in the middle of the night again so we sleep in to 8:30. We drove to downtown Crossville (picture below is of courthouse) had a wonderful meal at a local restaurant
Kalis Kitchen. We drove 35 miles to see a tree house that was back in town(middle picture we drove about 3 miles off road). about 5 miles away not 70.  We could not get that close to the house the fence was locked (below picture on left).
Wed. We drove to Danridge Tn.

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