Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cedar Bend

Thur. We got wood from some campers that had to leave early and the kids helped stack it. The kids made some airplanes out of straws and cut up index cards. They had a water ballon fight then we went with Jim and Lana to Don and Debbie Mynster's for a feast. The kids played ball games in there large back yard.
Fri.The girls got biscuits ready to cook and helped cook the gravy. They went swiming everyday. We had a jell-o eating contest Diego first, Mackenzie second, Lilimarie third, Katie fourth, Xander fifth, and me sixth.  They then got their hobo's ready for dinner. While we were doing that a butterfly came and visited Lilimarie.
Sat. Our project for today was a balloon with a nut inside and the sound that each one makes. On the way to swim the core of eng. gave out tat toos Katie's is on her arm and Diego put his on his forehead. Grilled cheese for lunch and Jim and Lana bought ice cream sandwich for desert and snacks. We bought flars for them to put together. They watched a movie every night.

Sun. Diego helped with breakfast then the two of us did a devotion while the girls led singing. Before we went swimming we played volleyball. Then there project for the day was mixing salt and pepper together then rubbing a spoon in your hair. Diego went with Jim to get bambo from Don we then made flutes which we are going to have Tammy show us how to blow them. We played cards with the Perkins and the kids made thank-you notes to them and gave them the cards.Betty, Fred, Jen, Chris, Addy, and Kari came over for swim, camp fire and smores.
Mon. Mackenzie and Katie went home after our morning swim and lunch. We had hot dogs over the grill and the kids did a great job cooking them. Linda fell off her bike and we went to Don's office for both of us to get adjusted.  We played cards with the Perkins and the kids.

Tues. After our morning swim and lunch we took the kids home.  On the way we stopped by Sonic and got them a treat for being so good at Don office.

Wed. was a day we did alot of cleaning and odds and ends. We played cards with the Perkins the went to Camping World(for thing are starting to break) on the way to Jen's.. We meet Mike and Pam for dinner there.

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