Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Biking Washington D.C.- New Jersey- Linda's Birthday

Thur. We took our bikes to D.C. on the train.  We were lucky that we got there early and not many folks were there.  Top of picture Washington Monument then 2 of Jefferson.  Middle the cherry trees and 2 of Lincoln.
Top of picture is the Korean War Memorial. Middle WW1 Memorial next two WW2 Monument. Bottom Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Linda and I got to witness two soldiers reenlisting into the service.
 Going to Arlington was quite an experience.Below a few pictures of the graves of the service people and the changing of the Guard at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier. Very powerful and moving.
 Top 2 and bottom left home of Robert E Lee who married George Washington's granddaughter.  It was handed down to her from George Washington. Middle street entrance to bridge crossing going to Arlington next 2 U.S. Marine corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima). Bottom right Kennedy's grave site.
Fri. we drove to Port Republic N. J. As we came to Baltimore I went the wrong way on  a bypass which cost $12 in tolls then on to the next toll $8 for cars and $24 for 4 axles!!! Then to Delaware $3 for cars and only $7 for 4 axles in all $43 in tolls.
Sat. We rested long overdue.
Sun. We went to church then to Cape May N.J. As we got to town we stopped at the Lobster House. Top left the bay, right a Scallop boat. 2nd row left putting the bucket down, below middle bringing up 6 to 8 bags of 50 + pounds of scallops, right putting them on a tray, bottom left weighing them middle where you buy them, right some of the fresh lobsters.This boat had 12,000#of scallops in 3days.  We ate lunch there shared Lobster tails, Scallops, Shrimp, fries and slaw.  It was sooo fresh and sooo goood.
We drove to the Cape May lighthouse 199 steps to the top. Bottom left is a old WW2 bunker( more about them later) bottom right is the old lens which was replaced by the lights bottom middle.
Top left a eternal flame for the veterans in Cape May next to it was a WW2 watch tower.  they had them and the bunkers along the coast for fear attack.  Before it was completed we started to win the war and the project was scrubbed.  The rest of the pictures are homes and churches at Cape May.
We drove to Sunset Point.  Top Left picture Cape May diamonds next two Linda and I looking for them.  They are a stone from Pa. brought down the river and washed ashore. It is the 7th hardest rock and used for diamond cutters to practice on before they become good enough not to make mistakes. Middle left and bottom right is the USS Atlantus a concrete ship that washed ashore and they could not free it so over the years it has been breaking apart.  The middle right 2 pictures is taking down the flag.  A military flag that has been on a casket.  This one told the story of a man when he was born, entered WW2, got shot in the hand went back, got shot in the back got fixed went back had his leg blown off.  Lived till his 70's.  His family was the ones who brought the flag and took it down.  They played three songs then the lowering of the flag.  Bottom pictures sunset.
Mon.  We drove to Atlantic City for a fun day but was a little disappointed.  The hotels did not have the wow factor.  We still had fun doing some things.  Top left we found a chocolate shop named James.  Atlantic City is where Miss U.S.A. takes place and you can see Linda is getting crowned.  Bottom left we found some sand sculptures. Outside the museum was an old fish boat.  We went to the Absecon Lighthouse, 3 of the pictures are some of the hotels and 2nd row right is the amusement park on the boardwalk.
Tues.  LINDA'S BIRTHDAY.  We had cowboy coffee cake and coffee for breakfast.  Did a bible study had a wonderful salad for dinner.  Went shopping at Smithville which is a old town that has purchased many old homes and churches and placed them in the town for retail shops(4 bottom pictures).  We saw alot of wonderful things went to the coffee shop and the bakery for a treat. Top pictures is some of the ducks that crossed the road both on our way to Atlantic /city and in Smithville and the chicken was just strutting along the sidewalk.  When we got home wine and cheese before our steak dinner with baked potato and broccoli.  Later for dessert tea and a fresh pineapple/coconut scone.

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