Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jersey Shore - Quakertown and Philadelphia Pa.

Wed. We drove down the Jersey Shore and stopped at several boardwalks.  They were all different and we enjoyed all of them.  They were all much better than Atlantic City so that restored our view of the ocean boardwalks in  N.J..  Top of picture below, Ocean City where they have alot of foot traffic and family things going on.  Middle pictures are in Strathmere where we found a place to park the rig and they had lots of places to rent.  the bottom is Wildwood they too had alot of foot traffic and family things to do.
We went to the Hereford Inlet Light House.  It was different than Cape May's light house.  The light was on top of the house rather than a tower.  Linda went through the museum which was the first three floors.  She was not allowed to go to the top where the light is.  see pictures below. They had beautiful gardens around the house.
As we left Cape May we stopped by the Lobster House and had their lobster,scallop and shrimp dinner one last time!!!.
Thur. we drove to Quakertown Pa.  After we got set up we got a bag of ice and Linda took the ALS challenge from Michelle Bickford(which she did twice for the first time she got the back of her head the second time she got all wet) then she challenged me.  So I got ready and took it also(boy did the ice water take your breath away).
Fri. We had a relaxing morning. In the afternoon we went to a flea market.  As we got there we were told we had to try their Jojos (potato wedges) we also had a sausage with onions and green peppers in it. We left there and had a chocolate croissant and sticky buns.  We walked a little further and had roasted pecans.  That is when we decided to get down to business and get the things we came for watermelon, hamburger,  sausage, flank steak, celery, peaches, carrots, and corn all from local farmers.  We gathered and cut some wood, started a fire and cooked pork chops on it for dinner but when we went to have our smores we found out we had finished the grahm crackers!.  We have enough wood for a couple more fires later.
Sat.We took a walk in the afternoon after the rain stopped.  We met the owner and he told us the process he went through to get the mill on the U.S. Registry.  Then he took us through the building.  It will cost about a million to get it where they can do tours.  Below is some of the pictures we took.  The mill is in very good conditions and we think it has more than any other mill we have gone through.
Sunday We went to church in North Wales Pa. then to lunch and Starbucks to do the blog and catch up with the email there is no service where we are.
Mon. and Tues. We got up at 6a.m. to go to Philadelphia Pa. It is a 35 to 45 min drive to the train station.  As we got there the train just pulled out.  We bought our tickets for the next two days the train comes every half hour. It is just over a hour to get to town on the train $6.50 each, each way(Tues we got the express both ways). After we got to town we went to the welcome station to get our two day city pass.  I ordered it on line and printed the receipt then lost it on our email.  When we showed the folks the receipt, they said it was the wrong one and wanted to see the email.  After a little while they gave us the two day pass which was for alot which you will soon see.  The first thing we did is go on the double decker big red bus which took us around town about  90 minutes.  The first picture of our tour (top left) the bridge going to N.J. which for years was the longest bridge in the world. Then past the third largest chinatown pictured here is the Chinese Friendship Gate. To city hall which was to be the tallest building when it was being built but took 31 years to build and two other buildings were built at that time one of them the Eiffel Tower which is taller. Across the street is the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. 2nd row a clothes pin which symbolized two people kissing. Next to it an old house forgot name of it. Then three buildings exact size and shape but looking at it they seem to be different heights and widths. The right is when we had to go on different route and we had to hold branches up so we wouldn't get hit on the double decker bus. They were getting set up for a concert this week-end and streets blocked off/. Bottom left Joan of Arc then Rocky the statue that was used in the movie. 3rd picture I forgot but looked cool.  Last picture all the things Philly did first such as flag, fire dept, zoo and more.
We stopped at the first penitentiary (Eastern State Penitentiary) when first built was a single floor(3rd top) as the need rose it went to two floors(top rt.). middle picture 1st three types of punishments the stocks (legs were placed in frame) pillory (man hands and head put in  frame), and Branding (head and hands put in frame then hot branding) the next 3 pictures are rooms in the prison, what it is now and what it was like at the end. But Al Capone served time here and look at the special treatment he got.  Bottom third picture some folks came in with different idea for some of the rooms, this is a floor done in different colors of dust. Last picture where the inmates played baseball and other games. When the balls were hit over the wall folks would through them a different ball back with things inside like razor blades, drugs, and ect.
Top left is the Franklin Institute. Next picture a metal plane outside the building. Third picture in honor of  Benjamin Franklin (the building is named after). They have many exhibits the one we enjoyed was of the brain top rt, and the heart which as we started to see it but they had a fire drill.  Middle left  picture is a WW1 memorial, next to it a civil war memorial. 3rd picture is for Shakespeare statue and last is a fountain for the three bodies of water that form the city.  1st and 2nd bottom picture is the love park, 3rd is young Ben Franklin and last some of the walk ways in city hall.
 We went to the old part of Philly the first top left Independence Hall inside and 2rd row left outside. 2nd top Senate chambers next to it the House of Rep. chambers. Picture 2nd middle picture a clock out side the building. 2nd row rt. was used as George Washington Presidential home.  3rd row Federal building where we get the phrase of upper and lower chamber. 3rd 2nd picture we went on a Duck ride(while we waited for the ride we ate a Philly Steak sandwich). 3rd picture in water.  Bottom rt home of Will Smith dad 2nd picture tall ships 3rd they were going to run a metro line over the river and did not figure in the height it would have to be so stopped it and it is now the most expensive sign made.
 This is Betsy Ross rented home.  Two of the bedrooms one where she made the first American flag in bedroom for fear of treason from the British (they never check her personal bedroom). Bottom middle a cellar door to the street. Right a copy of the flag she made.
 The last picture Liberty Bell middle a 360 show they took pictures of us as we went in and Linda had her head down so just mine showed up. Top rt. we went to National Constitution Center they had a actor and film presentation then a display of the time line of the USA. Here is the Supreme Court Building. 2nd row Ben Franklin's grave, middle the oldest working Post Office in USA, right she is changing the date on stamp with Ben Franklin signuture. 3rd row left and middle Christ Church where many of our early leaders worshiped. Right Franklin  Fountain ice cream(where they dress in early times) below left Linda enjoying here treat. Bottom middle the Phillies mascot. Right is one of the many murals in Philly.  The painters that did corfetti were asked to put their work to good use and do pictures on things that were positive and not gang related. A good way to clean up the city corfetti and make a negative into something positive for everyone.
 Wed. we got laundry done did the blog. got the rig ready to leave and went to church.

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