Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Thur We got up and moved to South Hampton N.H. We got a very nice space and loved to see alot of trees changing.

Fri. we got up and drove to Cambridge to see Harvard.  After seeing Yale and Brown we were a little disappointed in the campus.  The top left picture is Linda with John Harvard who died at a young age and his folks gave the school  his money and books.  So they named the school after him. The next two top pictures is the Civil War memorial to the fallen that have gone to Harvard. The rest is pictures we took around campus.

We left there and drove to Charlestown Navy Yard  home of the USS Independence and the USS Cassin Young. Top two left pictures are of the dry cock they put ships in when working on them. Top right two pictures the city of Boston behind us. The middle first three is USS Cassin Young.  The last four is the USS Indepencence which is still commissioned.  It is taken out twice a year 4th of July and on its birthday.
We then drove to Salem as you know that is where the witch trials were.  Bottom right is the Friendship of Salem. Is is being worked on.  Above it is the Old City Hall where the witch trials were taken place.  There were many old homes built in the late 1700's and early 1800's. Some of the famous men Nathaniel Hawthorne and Captain William Driver who named the flag Old Glory
Sun. we went to church in Seabrook,N.H. then we headed for the beaches. The top left picture is a mural on the way to Hampton Beach State Park(top middle picture). There we heard about a apple orchard so off we went(next picture).  After the apple orchard we went to Seabrook Beach N.H.,Salsbury Ma. and Newburyport Ma. beaches.  As we left Newburyport beach we stopped at a lobster restaurant and had lobster roll and got lobster bisque, crab cakes, and salmon patties to bring home. As we had our dinner we sat outside on the marsh we had a beautiful sunset (thank you Lord).
 Picture below is Applecrest Orchard.  In the middle they had a band playing the blues and yes those are very big pumpkins on stage. the top two pictures Linda and I are picking apples. 2nd left picture a pumpkin patch you could get your pumpkin for .60 a pound. 2nd right they had hay rides for folks. Bottom left we also pick raspberries. Bottom right a branch of mackintosh apples.
Mon. We got up early and headed for the White Mountains.  The change as we drove up was beautiful.  These pictures just do not capture the beauty of the bright fall colors. The first picture is of the mountains and the changing trees.
 This second picture is a closer up of the bight colored trees.
This picture captures the Mountains, water and trees.  We drove many miles and found awe almost in every turn.
 This picture is the towns we drove to. The top pictures Polly's Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill N.H. The server takes you order then goes and makes three of you six pancakes (stone ground wholewheat, buckwheat and or cornmeal) after you finish them she brings you three hot ones. And of course with a choice of toppings (pure maple syrup, granulated maple sugar or thick maple spread). There suppose to be the best pancakes in America serving since 1938. Yum Yum The rest of the pictures are of Littleton N.H. This is where the books of Pollyanna were written.  In the streets they have unusual benches the one I'm sitting on is the blues bench. We went to a Chutters candy store with a 112 foot candy counter. We made a mistake in tasting the fudge and got 1 1/2 pounds. On the side walks they had piano,s. The 3rd row right is the   Post office and Courthouse building of Littleton. Behind Main Street is a creek (bottom left pictures). Bottom right is Linda sitting before we went into Sugar Hill Sampler.
Tues. We got up and had the oil and transmission change.  It is a good thing we traveled yesterday for it is rainy and yucky weather today.  We did start gettings thing ready for our move Thur. We hope to go to Maine Wed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

R.I. and Ma.

Thur.We went back to Fort Adams where they are redoing Dwight  Eisenhower's home(bottom left). We were going to ride the ferry boat around the harbor. We keep looking to where it was going to go and saw that we were going to walk most of it.  So we drove to the far side of the harbor and went to one of their wharf's and ate at Diego's.  We had spring rolls and they were good. We visited a lobster warehouse (top right) they had many sizes of lobster and many fish for sale. In the area was a tall ship (bottom right) that we wish we could have taken a ride on. In the middle of the picture is an old school house and  below it  a wind Grist Mill. The picture of the butterfly is next to the school house.They were in a park next to the campground. The top left picture is a light house on a island in the harbor.  It has a Hyatt Hotel next to it and the navy is having meetings there and no one is allowed on the island. And last but not least we enjoyed another sunset and skipping rocks.

Fri. We drove to the state capitol of R.I. in Providence R.I. After having the GPS take us to a residential area. We  finally found the building only to have the parking meters not work.  Linda took a quick tour of the building while I made sure we did not get a ticket for not putting money in the meter.  The pictures below are of the Capitol Building.
 We then went to Roger Williams National Memorial. He is the preacher that had alot to do with getting the freedom of religion in our nation. This side of the river is where he started Providence. Brown University is there also an Ivy League School the first six pictures are of the school. the last six are of the buildings in that area built around the 1800's.
 On our way home we stopped at Bristol R.I. at Blithewold a mansion and gardens.  the pictures below of the gardens, the red white and blue center line and the bay.  When we got back to Middleton we had to go to Starbucks for the buy one get one we had their pumpkin drinks hot and cold.
Sat. We drove to Sandwich Ma. the oldest city in Cape Cod. As we arrived we found out they are having their Scallop Fest at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds.  Top left is a plate of ten scallops, fries, cold slaw, roll, and a drink (yum yum).  They had food , crafts, rides for the kids, and live music(middle left picture).We left to go see the sunset and on the way we saw wild turkeys (bottom middle picture).  We drove past Wings Neck Lighthouse (top right picture). Several bays (bottom Rt) and bottom right another wonderful sunset in Falmouth Ma
Sun. We went to church in Kingston as we left church there must have been 700 motorcycles doing a fundraiser run. After waiting awhile we made it to Old Plymouth  and ate at Wood's Seafood right on the water. As you can see top 2nd picture is our dinner it was fresh off the boat and good. We then went aboard the Mayflower II (left 3 pictures). It is hard to believe that over 102 people went three months on ship to get here. Bottom right two pictures are of Plymouth rock the rock and the building they put over the rock. the rest are statues, old courthouse, churches, and a monument (picture under our lobster). It is the National Monument To The Forefathers. One of the largest granite statues in the US 81 feet tall with all the names of the 102 Mayflower passengers are etched on the statue.
Mon. What a day.  We went to get reservations at some campgrounds only to find that campgrounds close up north in the middle of Oct. So what was to take an hour we spent all day.  We were fortunate that at the campground we're staying at right now gave to us two more days at half price. Tonight bed early.
Tues. We got up and went on the ferry to Martha Vineyard. We landed in Oak Bluff. We walked around town found a great coffee shop had pumpkin scone and hazelnut coffee.  Then found a little village called Wesleyan Campgrounds. The picture below is some of the gingerbread homes.
 We left there and took the bus to Edgartown. As we went around the island we took alot of pictures of the light houses(picture below. We left there on the bus and went to Aquinnah the far end of the island.  We then went to Chilmark, West Tisbury, and Vineyard Haven where we got the ferry to come back to Woods Hole.
 There were many places on the island that had flower beds the picture below is some of the flowers.
Wed. We got up and drove up to Cape Cod National Seashore. Again we stopped by many light houses. The trees are starting to change. We took a walk down the ocean and walked in the sand dunes.  The top left picture is The Pilgrim Monument.Also on our ride we pasted many sand sculptures from a Labor Day contest.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pa. to Ct. to R.I.

Wed. We went to the Hershey RV show.  We had high hopes but they were not in the cards.  We spent all day there and made a bid on one of the motor homes.  After praying about it we are going to wait to a later date to buy one.  Below is one of the many booths that were at the show.
Thur. We took an extra day here and planned out trip up the New England states.
Fri. We drove to Milford Pa. on the edge of NJ and NY.  Here the Pinchot built their empire and home called the" Grey towers". A three story house built on 102 acres in Pocono Mountains.  Gifford Pinchot worked with President Theodore Roosevelt developing  the Roosevelt-Pincott conservation policies.  He became the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service and twice Governor of Pa. The top left picture is Grey Towers next to it the view out the front  toward the town Milford and the mountains of N.J. The grounds have many walking areas (3rd top picture). Top rt. picture is the building built for the family to keep all the files of the forest dept. and was a museum. Middle left is a pond in a gazebo where they sat and enjoyed company.  Next to it is a small pond and area to have company. 3rd middle picture is the old swimming pool which they have filled in and now have weddings and parties.  Middle rt. picture is a long reflective pool leading to the Bait Box a play house built by Gilford and Cornelia's only son (Gilford Bryce Pinchot). Bottom three show statues, stone steps coming out of the wall, and walkways in the gardens.  Bottom right momma bear and her three cubs playing near the woods.  We watched them play for a long time for years we have been trying to get pictures of bears.
The picture below show some of the gardens at the home.
Sat. We drove to Clinton Ct.  It seemed like a lot of miles because as we drove through NY and in Ct. the mile post do not go along with the exits. When we thought we were going through NY in 28 miles and drove over 70 it made it a long day.  The roads in Ct are rough even when we drove slow it was very bumpy.  We got all set up with sewer, elect; water, cable, and internet (we have not got it to work yet).  We both were exhausted when we got here. Below is a pictures we took on the way. We drove along a river and there were alot of nice homes.
Sun. We got up to 45 degree outside and 59 inside.  Below is a picture of us having breakfast with the heater on.
 We drove to Church in Groton Ct. afterwards we went to the USS Nautilus Museum. Top Left Picture is the sizes of the two submarines USS Ohio(larger ring) and USS Holland(smaller Ring). Bottom left is me in the smaller ring.  The rest of the pictures are taken in and around the museum.
 These pictures are inside the USS  Nautilus. We were given a monitor for a auto tour of the submarine. Very small living quarters but all ranks ate the  same food which was very good.
 When we left the Submarine force Library and Museum we drove a little way where they had a Monument. It was for the sailors that lost there lives in WW2.  It names all the sailors and then the ships.(1st and 2nd top picture) Top Right picture is the Bill Memorial Library. Next to it was the Groton Monument and Museum (middle left).  The monument over looked Fort Griswold and Fort Griswold Battlefield (this is where Benedict Arnold headed the British to slaughter the men at the fort). Middle right is the home of Ebenezer Avery which was the shelter for the wounded following the battle of Groton. The bottom pictures are of the Mystic Seaport Museum.
 Here is the bridge built in the twenties in Mystic Ct. It only goes up on the 40 of each hour in the day time.
Top left we found a apple tree, next picture to it we found a rock fence. Top right is the coastline in Clinton Ct.  The middle pictures are some homes we past(one on the right is on the coastline across the street for the beach[picture about it]).  the bottom pictures are the beautiful sun set.
Mon. We drove to New Haven Ct. to Yale we did not like the town it is old and not kept up.  We were disappointed knowing that Yale is a prestige's university.  We went on the tour and when you get into the campus it all changes.It is beautiful.  Yale founded in 1716 has many famous folks from there.  Top left is Nathan Hale next to him is one of the presidents that gave the school good luck.  Whenever he went to a game they won and one time he gave a boat a push with his foot and that set a record.  That is why folks rub his foot you can see the shine. Top right pictures two of the many buildings.  Middle left the architect was going to build a church and the university did not want a church so he change the name Sterling Memorial Church to Sterling Memorial Library. The next picture is the great hall in the library. Then we came to the odd shape building(middle 3rd picture).  It was donated by S & H Green stamps.  They wanted it to look like one of there pages of green stamps with green marble.  After they found out there was not enough green marble they chose the white which matches the rest of the university. Bottom left picture the marble from the inside which was cut so some of the light would come through the marble. Middle right  some of the rare 180,000 limited-edition tomes. including a Gutenberg Bible-in a temperature, light, and humidity-controlled building. they had a special event going on so we could not see the bible but where we were they had two Audubon books (bottom 2nd picture). bottom 3rd picture is the common lunch room for all the folks in the university.  We chose to eat there and the food was very good and they have a variety for all folks.
We left Yale and drove to Old Saybrook.  We took a walk down Main St. and many of the old houses from the 1700 and early 1800's. Top left picture surprised us in a business area of town. We then went to the marina next two top pictures where they have many BIG and nice boats(yacht's). Middle left is Lynde Point Lighthouse next to it is Saybrook Point Lighthouse.Middle left birds in the trees look like eagles. Bottom left we believe is Katheryn Hepburn's home.  It over looks the ocean and one of the light houses. The next two are home in the same neighborhood.
Tues. We got up enjoyed our 42 anniversary breakfast.  Then on the road again to East Haddam to see William Gillette castle.  On the way we took a ferry to cross the river just below the castle(top left two pictures).  We had a intro. movie on his life.  He was an actor and playwright and was renown for playing Sherlock Holmes.  His home on 184 acre with a 24 room 8,000 square foot home. No two doors in his home are alike.  They have movable parts to lock and unlock them.  The 2nd row 2nd picture he put the doors into find it hit the couch so he cut it out so the door would completely open.  He did have a insert to put in so you could not see the opening .  2nd row rt. is the light switches.  He did not want furniture to slide across his floors so he put them on tracts(bottom 2 left pictures) 3rd bottom the cats eyes would reflect the light of the fire when lite.
We then drove to Hartford the capital. we saw the nations oldest statehouse. Top left is the building next to it the grand staircase. The senate(top 3rd) and the House of Rep.(top left). We then went to the Connecticut state Capital(middle left). 2nd middle picture is the new Genius of Ct. on a small dome which will be put on the big dome of the building soon. 3rd middle Nathan Hale with his statement "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country" middle right is the flags that were carried in the civil war for Ct. Bottom pictures the senate, House of rep, and fed court.  Bottom right is one of the art pieces on display.
Wed. We got up and went to Middletown RI. After we got set up we drove to Newport RI.  We went to the information place where the old train station (middle top) It is still used today during the summer and fall months.  We then drove to Fort Adams (top right to the one where I am flying a kite.) 3rd row middle is a light house in the middle of the bay. 3rd right is at Brenton Point State Park.  We took many pictures of the waves and the rocks. We then drove to Cliff Walk and looked at the mansions from the outside.  We tryed to go to church but they do not meet on Wed. so we did our own bible study.  We went to a restraunt and got Clam Chouder, sammon, green beans, potatoes, rolland butter and went back to Brenton Point for the sunset(bottom middle).  Bottom right I just had to skip rocks there was so many of them.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lancaster County Pa.

Wed. We drove to Milton Hershey School for a 1/2 hour tour.  We left four hours later and that's because they were closing.  the school and family homes are very different from others we have been to.  Milton and Kitty could not have children so they started a home for boys and left an endowment of $60,000,000 which is about 1 1/2 billion dollars today.  Only the interest could be used. They are planing 2,000 children in the program by next year.  these are children that have lost there parents or good kids in troubled homes.  They come from 32 states.  Top pictures are of founders hall built in 1970. 2nd left picture is in the middle of the dome entry as you go around the center it shows Hershey History. The 2nd picture is Milton and Kitty Hershey and next to that Milton Hershey with one of the boys. the bottom picture is the new and past together the horse and rider were in the cafeteria for many years then they remodeled and made it brighter. The middle bottom picture is the auditorium (which they have plays and are free for the public to come and see) Bottom right is a dedication to the building for  Milton and Catherine Hershey. We went to church in Lebanon Pa. a very small church we had about 20 folks there.
 Thur. was a rough for us we did find some issues from our past that will help us do better in the future.  We did go to Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery and get our Official Pretzel Twister certificate.  Below top left where the flour and other ingred. were mixed the picture next to it you take the handle up and down to beat the ingred. Then you roll the dough about 18 inches twist it twice bring it over and press down a little(top rt. pictures). You put pretzels in a wet solution let drip dry put in 550 degrees oven for ten min.(middle left) then to hot upper room to continue to bake till done.  Sturgis was the first to make hard pretzels.  Middle 2nd and 3rd picture our lunch was a ginger peach cold soup and tomato pie with grit patty and fruit.
all yummy.  Middle rt. the Lititz train station.  Inside is the visitor center and this old bench table(bottom left).  We then went to Wilber Chocolate.  Bottom 3rd picture is what they call a Chocolate Buds (15 years before Hershey Kisses). They also were wrapped in silver wrap but today the are in a package(bottom 3rd picture). Bottom right is some of the many molds they use  and other company's used to make there chocolates.
 We left there and drove around Lancaster county.  Top left one of the many farms in the area. Top two right farmers cutting the corn using the horses for power. 2nd left they have many barns for drying out tobacco.  Next to that a wooden bridge.  2nd right we went into a store and they had these live bees making honey. 3rd row left one of the Amish bikes.  Both young and old use them they are like a scooter with handle bars.  Next to it some of the horse and buggies that drove in the streets.  We stopped by a quilt shop (bottom left) and a furniture store (bottom right).
Fri. We did the blog., bills, and had a relaxing evening.
Sat. We drove to the post office to get our mail then back to Lancaster County to Hershey Restaurant for the Whoopee Pie Festival.  The buggie and Amish man was in the parking lot area.  The top right picture is of the festival. Middle left I am making my own whoopie pie with lots of toppings.  2nd middle picture they had over a 100 varieties of pies. Right middle picture is a giant pie.  After we left there we went to a Amish restaurant which has all you can eat.  After we got filled up we went to Starbucks for coffee and I could use the Internet to post the blog.  Almost all of this area is 3g which is not power enough to use the Internet.  We were lucky enough to get tickets at the Sight and Sound for Moses (pictures bottom row).  It was very well done and we both enjoyed the play.
Sun. We went to church then back home for quite day.
Mon. We took a long walk and did laundry started a fire and cooked banana supreme.  You put banana, marshmallows,chocolate chips, and as a bonus MMs. We cooked them over the fire and got into the wonderful dessert.
Tues. We went on a bike ride in the park.  Went shopping then posted the blog.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hershey, Harrisburg, Gettysburg, and Lancastr County

Thur. We got up and drove to Hershey RV Park, in Lebanon Pa.
Fri. We drove to downtown Harrisburg Pa.  We went to the welcome center then a tour of the State Capitol Building.  It was the best one we have seen so far.  From the statues outside the building to the the marble walls and many murals. The dome is 272 feet tall , 52 million pound, and  modeled after St. Peter's in Rome.  As you enter the building top 2nd picture the beauty is every where.  They have two civil war displayed in the rotunda top 3rd picture.  From the rotunda there is a hall to the Senate  and House of Rep. top right picture. The floor has almost 400 mosaics illustrating the state's history, animals, industries, occupations and modes of transportation picture middle left. there is a grand staircase next picture.  The next two pictures is the governors office where he gives many interviews and TV promotions.  Bottom left is the Senate chambers next to it the Supreme Court of Pa. then the House Of Rep. chambers.  The last picture is the chandeliers where once a year a man climbs inside to clean and change the lights. It weighs about 2 to 4 tons and require over 1,000 light bulbs. Everything is covered in 24carate gold.
We then left there and picked up Betty and Fred at the air port.  We drove to Hershey Pa.  Top left picture shows the street lights which are kisses.  Next to it is the old kisses wrapping machine.  On the right is one of the molds for the Hershey bar.  2nd left picture is the factory when it was built.  the next two is the time line for Hershey's and the USA. 3rd left old candy bar wrappers and chocolate in different forms. Next to it is one of the many old clocks.  On the right we are getting ready for CHOCOLATE LAB. After we made our candy bars we went to taste chocolate in different percents on the bottom left we were given six glasses with chocolate from 32 to 75 %  on the right you can see we finished all of it.
Sat. we drove to Gettysburg where we meet Dan Albertson, Linda and Betty,s cousin. Top left picture is the old train station and info building. Middle picture is a Irish Pub where we had Sheppard's Pie.  We then walked to where they  make home made ice cream top right picture is our fresh peach sundae.  We left there and walked to the center of town (middle left)Abe Lincoln statue when he gave his famous Gettysburg address speech. (bottom left) is the Wills house where he stayed. (middle right) is the hotel that the college owns and within the building there is a theater where they perform several times a month. Below the Hotel is a rug at the entrance of the Hotel with the College logo.
 The pictures are the battlefields where so many lives were lost.  We got an I-pad that gave a detailed account  of where we were by GPS and what was taking place at that spot of the three days of fighting. (top left) We are talking to a volunteer who is telling us about the cannons and the war from that spot. Next to is is the statue with the eternal flame. The picture in the middle is a fence they saw at the time of the civil war they had three different types of fences. The middle right picture is a reenactment of a troop at night.
Sun.  We drove to Hershey Gardens. The left seven pictures are some of the many flowers.  While we were there we went to the butterfly garden the top big picture is the eggs of the butterflies. Top right some of the hundreds of butterflies there that day. Bottom middle is a Hershey kiss display where once in awhile steam would come out the top of them.  Bottom right is the Hershey hotel.  We walked around the lobby.  When we left there we  had lunch at The Brickerville House Restaurant.  We then shopped in there shops, came home, went to the pool, ate, and played cards.
Mon. We took Betty and Fred to he airport then went downtown and walked across the bridge to the Kipona Celebration ( considered one of the oldest waterfront festivals in the U.S.) at the Harrisburg's City Island and Riverfront Park.  When we got home we got some rest, did the blog, laundry and planned our Nov. and Dec. plans.
Tues. we took the truck to get a new windshield as you can see in top left a crack.  It was neat to see how he replaced the windshield.  The bottom pictures are of Lebanon Pa. where we walked while waiting for the truck to get done.  Of course we stopped by a bakery and had some goodies and coffee. The rest of the day we relaxed and caught up on things.