Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Thur We got up and moved to South Hampton N.H. We got a very nice space and loved to see alot of trees changing.

Fri. we got up and drove to Cambridge to see Harvard.  After seeing Yale and Brown we were a little disappointed in the campus.  The top left picture is Linda with John Harvard who died at a young age and his folks gave the school  his money and books.  So they named the school after him. The next two top pictures is the Civil War memorial to the fallen that have gone to Harvard. The rest is pictures we took around campus.

We left there and drove to Charlestown Navy Yard  home of the USS Independence and the USS Cassin Young. Top two left pictures are of the dry cock they put ships in when working on them. Top right two pictures the city of Boston behind us. The middle first three is USS Cassin Young.  The last four is the USS Indepencence which is still commissioned.  It is taken out twice a year 4th of July and on its birthday.
We then drove to Salem as you know that is where the witch trials were.  Bottom right is the Friendship of Salem. Is is being worked on.  Above it is the Old City Hall where the witch trials were taken place.  There were many old homes built in the late 1700's and early 1800's. Some of the famous men Nathaniel Hawthorne and Captain William Driver who named the flag Old Glory
Sun. we went to church in Seabrook,N.H. then we headed for the beaches. The top left picture is a mural on the way to Hampton Beach State Park(top middle picture). There we heard about a apple orchard so off we went(next picture).  After the apple orchard we went to Seabrook Beach N.H.,Salsbury Ma. and Newburyport Ma. beaches.  As we left Newburyport beach we stopped at a lobster restaurant and had lobster roll and got lobster bisque, crab cakes, and salmon patties to bring home. As we had our dinner we sat outside on the marsh we had a beautiful sunset (thank you Lord).
 Picture below is Applecrest Orchard.  In the middle they had a band playing the blues and yes those are very big pumpkins on stage. the top two pictures Linda and I are picking apples. 2nd left picture a pumpkin patch you could get your pumpkin for .60 a pound. 2nd right they had hay rides for folks. Bottom left we also pick raspberries. Bottom right a branch of mackintosh apples.
Mon. We got up early and headed for the White Mountains.  The change as we drove up was beautiful.  These pictures just do not capture the beauty of the bright fall colors. The first picture is of the mountains and the changing trees.
 This second picture is a closer up of the bight colored trees.
This picture captures the Mountains, water and trees.  We drove many miles and found awe almost in every turn.
 This picture is the towns we drove to. The top pictures Polly's Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill N.H. The server takes you order then goes and makes three of you six pancakes (stone ground wholewheat, buckwheat and or cornmeal) after you finish them she brings you three hot ones. And of course with a choice of toppings (pure maple syrup, granulated maple sugar or thick maple spread). There suppose to be the best pancakes in America serving since 1938. Yum Yum The rest of the pictures are of Littleton N.H. This is where the books of Pollyanna were written.  In the streets they have unusual benches the one I'm sitting on is the blues bench. We went to a Chutters candy store with a 112 foot candy counter. We made a mistake in tasting the fudge and got 1 1/2 pounds. On the side walks they had piano,s. The 3rd row right is the   Post office and Courthouse building of Littleton. Behind Main Street is a creek (bottom left pictures). Bottom right is Linda sitting before we went into Sugar Hill Sampler.
Tues. We got up and had the oil and transmission change.  It is a good thing we traveled yesterday for it is rainy and yucky weather today.  We did start gettings thing ready for our move Thur. We hope to go to Maine Wed.

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