Wednesday, September 24, 2014

R.I. and Ma.

Thur.We went back to Fort Adams where they are redoing Dwight  Eisenhower's home(bottom left). We were going to ride the ferry boat around the harbor. We keep looking to where it was going to go and saw that we were going to walk most of it.  So we drove to the far side of the harbor and went to one of their wharf's and ate at Diego's.  We had spring rolls and they were good. We visited a lobster warehouse (top right) they had many sizes of lobster and many fish for sale. In the area was a tall ship (bottom right) that we wish we could have taken a ride on. In the middle of the picture is an old school house and  below it  a wind Grist Mill. The picture of the butterfly is next to the school house.They were in a park next to the campground. The top left picture is a light house on a island in the harbor.  It has a Hyatt Hotel next to it and the navy is having meetings there and no one is allowed on the island. And last but not least we enjoyed another sunset and skipping rocks.

Fri. We drove to the state capitol of R.I. in Providence R.I. After having the GPS take us to a residential area. We  finally found the building only to have the parking meters not work.  Linda took a quick tour of the building while I made sure we did not get a ticket for not putting money in the meter.  The pictures below are of the Capitol Building.
 We then went to Roger Williams National Memorial. He is the preacher that had alot to do with getting the freedom of religion in our nation. This side of the river is where he started Providence. Brown University is there also an Ivy League School the first six pictures are of the school. the last six are of the buildings in that area built around the 1800's.
 On our way home we stopped at Bristol R.I. at Blithewold a mansion and gardens.  the pictures below of the gardens, the red white and blue center line and the bay.  When we got back to Middleton we had to go to Starbucks for the buy one get one we had their pumpkin drinks hot and cold.
Sat. We drove to Sandwich Ma. the oldest city in Cape Cod. As we arrived we found out they are having their Scallop Fest at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds.  Top left is a plate of ten scallops, fries, cold slaw, roll, and a drink (yum yum).  They had food , crafts, rides for the kids, and live music(middle left picture).We left to go see the sunset and on the way we saw wild turkeys (bottom middle picture).  We drove past Wings Neck Lighthouse (top right picture). Several bays (bottom Rt) and bottom right another wonderful sunset in Falmouth Ma
Sun. We went to church in Kingston as we left church there must have been 700 motorcycles doing a fundraiser run. After waiting awhile we made it to Old Plymouth  and ate at Wood's Seafood right on the water. As you can see top 2nd picture is our dinner it was fresh off the boat and good. We then went aboard the Mayflower II (left 3 pictures). It is hard to believe that over 102 people went three months on ship to get here. Bottom right two pictures are of Plymouth rock the rock and the building they put over the rock. the rest are statues, old courthouse, churches, and a monument (picture under our lobster). It is the National Monument To The Forefathers. One of the largest granite statues in the US 81 feet tall with all the names of the 102 Mayflower passengers are etched on the statue.
Mon. What a day.  We went to get reservations at some campgrounds only to find that campgrounds close up north in the middle of Oct. So what was to take an hour we spent all day.  We were fortunate that at the campground we're staying at right now gave to us two more days at half price. Tonight bed early.
Tues. We got up and went on the ferry to Martha Vineyard. We landed in Oak Bluff. We walked around town found a great coffee shop had pumpkin scone and hazelnut coffee.  Then found a little village called Wesleyan Campgrounds. The picture below is some of the gingerbread homes.
 We left there and took the bus to Edgartown. As we went around the island we took alot of pictures of the light houses(picture below. We left there on the bus and went to Aquinnah the far end of the island.  We then went to Chilmark, West Tisbury, and Vineyard Haven where we got the ferry to come back to Woods Hole.
 There were many places on the island that had flower beds the picture below is some of the flowers.
Wed. We got up and drove up to Cape Cod National Seashore. Again we stopped by many light houses. The trees are starting to change. We took a walk down the ocean and walked in the sand dunes.  The top left picture is The Pilgrim Monument.Also on our ride we pasted many sand sculptures from a Labor Day contest.

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