Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Thur. It is so nice to wake up and have nothing planned.  We did take a walk, have our fourth fire in the pit, washed the rig, and relaxed.   After playing some games we ate dinner then I got my part of the rig ready to leave on Sunday.

Fri. We got up early, after a late start because I put the truck keys in my jacket pocket the night before and could not find them.  We still got to the GM Corvette plant on time. Top left picture is outside the plant we were not allowed to take pictures inside the plant.  It was a two hour tour that went by so fast.  We both enjoyed seeing how the cars are put together.  When we left there we drove to the museum(top 2nd picture). Top rt. 2 pictures is the old (1953 first model) and new ( 2015 with new color paint for this year).  As we went around the museum we came upon the sink hole. 2/12/14 at 5:39 a.m. 33 ft deep 60 ft. long and 45 ft. wide (oval shape). 8 cars went into the hole two were on loan and six owned by the museum.  When we left there we went to a Bowling Green Visitors Bureau outside was this vet bottom 3rd picture.  They say more are around town. Then the bottom right is one of the boats that the corvette got its name from. A ship slim and fast guarded ports and rivers from USA and Canada to England. Corvette (French-meaning fast sloop).
We drove down town to the fountain square (top left) saw a church (top middle) and got some things at the local bakery.  We then drove to Jackson's orchard (top right) had pumpkin ice cream cone, apple donut, and apple cider. We watched them grade and put the apples in bags. Bought  1/2 bushel of Jonathan gold.  We found out the Jen was one hour from Bowling Green so we spent the night with them.  For dinner we had Pizza later after some cards we went to the new Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for fresh hot ones!.
Sat. Chris went to work, Jen and Mackenzie went to her ball game, and we took Katie to her school fall festival.  Top 2 left she is playing some of the many game. Top right getting bandaged up (tried to fool mom and dad but did not work). Bottom left we rode in the back of a fire truck. Bottom middle one of blow up games.  We all met at Jen's then back to Mackenzie ball games.  They won 2 out of three games.  After the game we drove to the rig.
Sun. We went to church, then got the rig, went to the dump station, then drove to Lake Cumberland. Near Jamestown Ky. at the dam in a Core. of Eng park.  We got set up did 2 loads of laundry then bed for there is no (not one) TV station.

Mon.  We got up had a nice breakfast and bible study.  Got the bikes down and went for a ride.  They have a free fishery next door so went to the museum to the dam and fishery.  As we talked to the folks found out they need some help so we volunteered for the next two weeks.  They have a area for volunteers so we moved the rig and got a refund on the camp site we were on( it was a nice wooded area by a creek).  After we got set up we found water in bottom of storage area.  Got it all dried out. look Tues to see if we fixed leak.

Tues. We got up ate and did our bible study and Linda could not wait to see if the leak was fixed.  So she ran out and found it all dry (Thank-you God). We then went to our first meeting at the Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery.  We spent the day there learning what our jobs will be.  One of them is feeding all the snakes, fish, and animals. Below Linda is holding a skunk that is way over weight.  Top right you can make out some of the fish. Bottom picture is our new site for the rig.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ohio and Kentucky

Thur. We drove to Circleville Ohio to the 108TH  Annual Pumpkin Show. Top left picture some of the pumpkins for sale. Top middle a 6 foot diameter over 400 pound pumpkin pie. Top right seeing the crowd and some of the vender's. 2nd row the three largest pumpkin 1964, 1714, and 1445 pound and 3rd row more of the large pumpkins. 3rd row middle is some of the entertainment and right picture is the town water tower. Bottom left is one of the giant pumpkins sculpting by Gus the Squash Carver.  The bottom two right pictures Gus working on today's sculpture.  While we were there we ate some PUMPKIN FUDGE, PUMPKIN POP CORN, PUMPKIN PIZZA, PUMPKIN BURGER, PUMPKIN DONUT, PUMPKIN WAFFLE, PUMPKIN PIE, AND PUMPKIN ICE CREAM!
Fri. We got up enjoyed a slow morning.  We went to the Amish store to see them package candy but they were doing raisins so they had nothing to see. When we got home we started getting the rig ready for the move on Sunday.
Sat. After breakfast and bible study we headed to Columbus, Ohio.  We meet Nick and Kirby at North Star  Cafe and had a wonderful lunch.  Hamburgers for Nick and me, fish for Kirby and pancake and biscuit for Linda.  We went to there home afterward.  They have it decorated so nicely.  We had a great visit then drove back to the rig.  It was 48 when we got home and still going down.
 Sun.  It was 38* when we got up this morning.  We had breakfast in our nice warm bed.  We did our bible study then got the rig ready to leave.  We drove to Cave Creek campground in Falls of Rough Ky. It is a nice cor of eng. park. Our site over looks the lake and woods.  After we got set up we took a walk then had dinner and started a fire.
Mon. After a good night sleep we had breakfast and the acorns keep falling on the roof of the rig.  We called the office and then moved the rig across the street where it would not be under any trees.  Top left picture is the rear view of the old site. Middle top is the lodge not to far from the campground and next to it a view of the lake.  The middle pictures are of the dam.  The bottom pictures is of Falls of Rough.  Called so because they built a dam and mill in 1823.  It was run by the same family for 140 years.
Tues.  What a beautiful morning.  As we woke up looking out out windows we could see the fog from the warm river and cool night.  As the sun rose and broke through the fog and the fall leaves.  It was a nice morning so we had breakfast   outside.  Then we drove to Mammoth Cave National Park. It is known as the longest cave in the world and exploration to discover more continues today. They have many tours you can go on. We choose Domes and Dripstones. There are giant vertical shafts from the towering 192ft.high Mammoth Dome to the 105ft deep Bottomless Pit.  As we walked up to the cashier someone offered us a ticket to go on the tour and I get half off with my senior pass so it was only $7.  The first nine pictures are of the cave.  It has two areas one large area is the dry cave and the small area the wet cave.  They have maps for over 400 miles of the cave which is 7 miles wide and from 40 feet to  300 feet in elevation and they are still mapping areas. As we walked the narrow path there were many areas that were deep in depth and many that rose very high.  We went into many large rooms.  As we were leaving we walked through the wet section which you would expect to see in a cave.  The formations were breath taking.  We saw cave crickets (middle row 2nd picture).  The next three is the Large Historic Entrance.  After our tour we went on one of the many trails there. 2nd bottom picture a tree with roots in the rocks on a cliff.  On the way home we went to Mama Lou's Bar-B-Que and Gifts.  I had the ribs and Linda had the Mama Lou pretzel Burger. We shared both and had a pecan pie for dessert. All the food was cheap and delicious (can't wait to go back, got a double choc cake to take home). As you can see in the bottom right picture they have a small kitchen with 2 stoves everything made as you order.
Wed. We laid in bed with coffee watched the news and looked again out the windows at the fog over the water as the sun rose.  We took a couple walks and got firewood.  This is the third fire we have had in four days.  We really like it here.  We have been the only folks here till tonight one other rig pulled in. By the way the top picture is the view out the rear of the rig and the bottom is out of the side of the rig.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Thur. We all slept in when we got up we had pumpkin bagel's.  The girls (Mackenzie and Katie) rode bikes and Linda and I walked down to the Rec center.  They played the piano for awhile then we all went out and played shuffleboard.  Linda's team went in the neg. every time.  After lunch Katie laid down she had a tummy ache.  Mackenzie and Linda made Shepard pie for dinner. Katie felt better and helped Linda make pasta salad for lunch. We went to the activity center and played air hockey and ping pong.
 Fri. As we woke up(top left picture)( Everyone woke up early, as we went to make waffles the girls were back to sleep till 10.)Mackenzie and Katie made waffles (top rt. 2 picture). (Middle left picture) us enjoying them. Middle rt. 2 pictures the girls making a get well card for Brynn and my birthday cards. Bottom middle us having the the pasta lunch the girls made. Later that evening Jenny got here for the week-end.
 Sat. As the girls made breakfast Katie and Jen caught up on our photo's ( top left picture) Top right 2 making and enjoying pancakes. After showing the girls where I grew up we went to Olive Garden (2nd row right).  We stopped at a Amish place and picked up some candy(3rd row right). Bottom left I am reading the cards the girls had made. Bottom middle my dessert with a candle and bottom right the girls watching TV before bed.
The photo below are pictures of the past in Dayton Ohio. Top left is dad's home where he grew up in Oakwood and middle pictures is the house that mom grew up in. On the top right is where mom's folks moved to in Centerville. Dad' folks moved to Fl. Middle left is the house in Kettering I grew up in till 7th grade then we moved to Centerville middle right.  I lived there till I moved to college then Fl.  The bottom left is my Elementary school and bottom right is middle school which became part of the high school while we were there.
 Sun. After church we went to a Sauerkraut Festival. They had over 460 vender's. Continuous music and sauerkraut in fudge,deep fried balls, bowls with potatoes, sour cream,and onions, cabbage rolls, reuben sandwiches, and more.( top 2 middle and bottom left pictures).  We left there and went to a farm that had a chili supper and  country singer Bobby Macley and other groups. (middle right and bottom middle).  Bottom right Linda enjoyed watching the squirrels.
Mon. Work day I washed the truck, rig roof, and the rest of the rig.  We cleaned some of the inside of the rig and Linda did laundry. That night we went to Eric and Angela's home then out to dinner at Doubleday's.  We had a great evening catching up on things and just talking.  

Tues. We caught up on things around the rig then left for dinner at The Pine Club (a steak house my mom and dad have enjoyed for years). Started in 1947 through 4 owners they have kept the ambiance and standards.  they are noted as "One of the Great Steakhouses in the Country" and having "One of the Most Outstanding Restaurant Wine Lists in the World" by the Wine Spectator. I have promised Linda to take her there since we were married(top left pictures).  while we were in the area we stopped by where the Wright Brothers lived in their early years and latter years in life.  Top right and middle four pictures is there home on Hawthorne st.. Dayton. Bottom left is there home in Oakwood where dad used to go snow sliding with his friends who lived across the street from the Wrights.  Bottom middle is the street dad used to bike to see mom.  At each light post some group has created a Halloween exhibit. Bottom right is Oakwood High School mom and dad went to.
Wed. We got up latest ever, went for a walk, I worked on the blog, Linda did cards, and we had the left overs from The Pine Club. It was still the best steak. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Maine and starting trip SW to Ohio

Tues. Afternoon Life is full of changes.  Just when we thought for the third time we were going to go to Maine the door shut again.  We took the truck in for an oil change and then found the transmission fluid needed changing.  When we went in the engine light was on we thought it was because the oil change was due.  We found that the Exhaust Gas Regulator  was bad and it would take five hours to fix.  He had another job to do and could not finish it till tomorrow. They drove us to the rig which took 30 min. only to find out we did not have the house key.  He drove us back to get the key then back to the rig.

Wed. In the afternoon we got a ride back to  Ford got the truck went to get fuel then when we got home the engine light came on so we went back to Ford.  Just as we drove in the mechanic walked by we told him the problem so he took the truck in and found out the problem and fixed it.  We drove back to the rig did a bible study, watched a movie, then bed.

Thur. We got up ate did our bible study then left for Ct. This is the third day that it rained.  We got to Clinton Ct. got set up then went to a shopping center and found alot of goodies.

Fri. After a easy going morning we packed a lunch and went to the beach. We parked our truck and walked through the RV park the lots were the biggest we have ever seen. We went to the beach and found shells we have not seen called Atlantic Slipper Snails.  As we drove around the rest of the Hammonasset Beach State Park we went to a nature center which is most of the pictures below.
Sat. Getting ready to move we did laundry and got the rig ready.  It was rainy all day so we stayed in the rig this afternoon and watched Halmark for we have cable at this campground.

Sun. We got up early and left for Stillwater Pa. After we got here we  took a walk.  It was 55 and we bundled up. There was a pond across the street and they had statues carved by a chainsaw through out the Park.  Below left is a chestnut tree.
Mon. It was so nice to sleep in this morning the temp was 36 but inside it was a warm 66. We looked where we were going after Ohio and made plans for three weeks in Ky. Then plans in Tn. We took a 2 1/2 mile walk this afternoon and smaller walk after dinner. Top left is the sunrise outside our bedroom window then our campsite. On right Brighton the butterfly was flying around us as we walked.In the middle left picture Linda shot this deer in the middle middle is the Mt. in the background  The bottom right and middle right a reflection picture. Then bottom left a selfe by the lake. 
Tues. We woke up early got everything ready to leave and it was so nice out we took a walk. The pictures below are taken on our way to Mercer Pa.  We did have a little mishap as I drove over what looked like a half a bumper luckily no damage.
Wed. We woke up and hit the road.  We got to Wilmington Ohio. Went to the store and then Louisville Ky to pick up Mackenzie and Katie who we had just found out that they were on fall break.  .